
The Great Migration

What challenges of coexistence did the Great Migration create?

What Triggered the Great Migration?

Poverty in Britain

cholera - a contagious disease that causes intestinal problems and dehydration

demographic change - change in the characteristics of a population

emigrant - a person who leaves their native country to establish a home and citizenship in another country

emigration - leaving one's country to establish citizenship and a home in another country

famine - a shortage of food leading to starvation for many people

immigrant - a person intending to establish a home and citizenship in a country that is not their native country

quarantine - a place where people with a contagious disease were required to stay, to separate them from the healthy people and to prevent the spread of the disease.

unemployment - have no work

  Many factors led to the migration of British people:

Opportunity in the Colonies

Colonies in North America provided

What Impact Did the Great Migration Have?

 New colonists in British North America meant there new demands:


What challenges of coexistence did the Great Migration Create? 

As a new immigrant to Canada, your ancestors had to overcome some great obstacles.  Your task is to return to your family tree, find one person who you are going to trace back to Europe during this time period (1815 - 1900) and answer the following questions:

You will need to complete the handout

Some sites that will help you track down your family:

That's My Family

Family Search
