5.3: The British Conquest of North America

How did competition between Britain and France to control North America shape Canada?



decisive - settling an issue; producing a definite result

How did people meet the challenge to living in Acadia when there was conflict between France and Britain in Acadia?

Seven Years' War

1754 - The fight for the Ohio Valley

Britain and France fought for control of the Ohio Valley, along the Western boundary of the Thirteen colonies.

1756 - Global War

Britain's aim was to destroy the French Navy and control the seas. Nine European countries had now established alliances with either Britain or France.

1760 - Britain Gains Control

Québec (New France) was taken over by Britain. This did not end the war, as there were other parts of the world still at battle. Both countries were fighting for control over Guadeloupe.

1763 - The Treaty of Paris

This important document was signed between Britain and France, giving France Guadeloupe and the small island of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, used for the cod fishery.

All other claims in North America were given to Britain and Spain.

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham

As a result of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham:

~ Britain capture Québec

~ The French left for Montréal

In April 1760

~ French returned to Québec

~ Won against the British in the Battle of Sainte-Foy

~ British ran back to Québec City

~ The French surrounded them and prevented supplies coming in for the British Army

In the Spring,

When the ice melted, it was a race to see what ships would arrive first: French or British

~ The British arrived with supplies and troops

~ The French had sent ships, but because of bad weather, they had to turn back to France


Read page 156 and 157 and respond to the questions found on the document The British Conquest of North America in the Chapter 5 Workspace: The British Conquest of North America Assignment. Submit when you have finished.