8.1 Confederation Issues

What issues shaped confederation?


political deadlock - the inability to decide on a course of action because of disagreement among equally powerful decision makers.

guarantee - promise with legal backing

secure - to get, to make sure of

constitution - the official set of rules about how a country is governed

annexation - takeover of a territory by another country

mercantilism - a regulated economic system that made a country rich from its colonies

tariff - an extra charge

A Class Confederation Conference

The first conference held to help establish Confederation was held:

Four Key Confederation Leaders

These four leaders formed an alliance to help promote the Confederation and encourage the other colonies of British North America to join the cause.

John A. Macdonald

Scottish born, John Alexander Macdonald arrived in Canada with his parents in 1820.  

George-Étienne Cartier

George Brown

Étienne-Paschal Taché

Key Confederation Issues

The Problem of Political Deadlock

Based on the Act of the Union, political deadlocks became apparent.  

Canada East - Francophone Canadiens 

42 Seats

Canada West - Anglophone Canadians

42 Seats

How did the Act of the Union encourage 

the development of political deadlock?

The Question of Rights For Canadians

The Question of Independence for Regions

The Risk of American Annexation

Western Expansion

Trade Challenges


Read page 247 and 248.  Respond to the following question:

Some Canadians contrast Canadian identity with American identity, and point to the founding of the two countries as a source of difference.  What events described in this article contrast with the violent start of the United States?

Page 247 - 248.pdf