Individual Learner Profiles

What are individual learner profiles?

Individual Learner Profiles is a term used to encompass a variety of tools, from a simple elementary-age learner self-description to online platforms that enables learners to set goals, self-assess, receive feedback from peers, educators, parents, mentors, and organizations where they work or volunteer. At the very minimum, learner profiles acknowledge what HGSE Professor Todd Rose calls jagged profiles, that one size doesn't fit all and any average is composed of a variety of points or characteristics all of which are that learners' uniqueness. They empower learners to move forward from their strengths.



Next Steps: Student Goal Setting + Student-led Conferencing

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Are you using individual learner profiles?

Add yourself to the map by filling out the brief form to the left.

By mapping ILP sites in our BPS community, we can learn and share with each other through learning walks, projects, professional learning, and more. Let's activate the expertise in our district.

Reach out to the schools and organizations below.

If you are interested in online learner profile platforms, please contact BPS Innovation for free piloting opportunities.