Intrepid Updates

Week #1 of Intrepid Academy at Hale

Opening Day Photo

Day #2 Heavy Snowfall

Showing off their microspikes

Off to the woods for class discussion

Student Evaluations of Week #1 of Intrepid Academy at Hale

At the end of the day on Friday, we gave the students an evaluation form to complete. The last question was:

"If someone were to ask you about your impression of Intrepid, would would you tell them?"

Every student answer was positive. The following are representative of the group:

Laura: "It’s a very eye opening experience where you can improve your academic skills and physical health along with psychological health."

Taysha: "I would tell them that it is fun and that it is better than being in a classroom all day. I sleep better at night and it is making me want to stay in school and come to school on time."

Emily: "It is a combination of beautiful scenery and a great feeling you’ve never experienced being back at school.

Thomas: "I would tell people: 'Too bad you’re not in it.'”

Jennifer: "It’s fun and very active and changes your mindset."

Ashara: "I would say it is a very nice place. It is very peaceful in the woods and you can learn stuff and find yourself."

Zayden: "Best experience of my teenage life."

Perla: "I stepped out of my comfort zone and conquered one of my fears today. The week was amazing."

More Week #1 Photos

Sydney's Advisory Group

Geidy with some of her Advisees

Dylan, Lead Outdoor Guide, with team

Dylan leads campfire activity

Week #2 Student Evaluations and Comments

“When we take walks, it’s really different because we are still in school and have conversations about school, yet it doesn’t feel like school. I have actually learned a lot more here these past two weeks than the first four months of school.”


“I never thought I would be looking forward to school and everything they planed for the day. Major changes have occurred for me since these past two weeks. I’ve been much more active and my mind has opened up to so much more in the world from our classes. I’ve found some peace with this place, with its silence, listening to nature’s song as I walk on my own.”


“Well. I’ve always been a student who likes school but I realized that I only did my work and contributed to class discussions because I wanted good grades but now I feel that I can do the work and actually enjoy it.”


“The last two weeks influenced my perception by me wanting to come to school because before being in Intrepid then go out and walk and talk about what we learned and how we feel about it. It is a better way to learn things.


“I think going for walks helps students relax and calms us for when we go back to class. I also think walking helps to get us fit and we have more energy throughout the day.”


“I have learned from today’s long hike that the best place to think and let your mind flow is when you are alone outside looking into the wilderness.”


“It made me look at things from a different perspective. I feel more open and can communicate more with people I barely spoke to before. I would love for other people to have the opportunity to join the program.”


“The “Awe” walk yesterday had a great impact on me. I am taking a great interest in cosmology and religion. Also, I am gradually becoming more fit, active, and healthy. I am becoming a more positive person.”


“At Intrepid, we do college reading and challenging activities and assignments. We do activities that help us physically and mentally. Intrepid makes me feel comfortable and in a safe, fun place. Being out in nature and exercising is good for the brain before we start class because I am wide awake and able to communicate more with others.”


“I used to think I was not an outdoor person but the real sight of nature and outdoors has contradicted my views. This has really encouraged me to seek more chances to be immersed in the natural world and has brought me to want to encourage my family to hike outdoors.”


“When I was walking and more aware of my surroundings, I noticed that I was thinking more actively and more aware of the topics being discussed and I noticed I was making much more progress. My perspective of learning has changed dramatically over the past two weeks.”


“Intrepid has a lot of things that could turn kids’ lives around in just coming to Hale. Taking hikes and sharing thoughts and comments brought us together as a group.”


“Intrepid has changed the way I think about being outside. Before, the only time I went outside was when I have to do something. Now, I want to buy a hammock and go out and find a place in the shade.”


“So far, Intrepid Academy has been a good experience. We’re connecting more with nature and our inner selves here. My focus and attention to work has gotten better. I like how we do readings and then we go out in the woods as a group and discuss it. It helps us understand the topic more and we get to hear what others’ thoughts are.”


“In the past two weeks Intrepid has shown me that school can be fun and have a better impact on my life. Since we go hiking, I feel much so much healthier than just sitting in a class. I don’t like exercising but Intrepid makes it fun because I can look at the trees and actually incorporate it with my exercise.”


“I’ve learned that going outside every day isn’t bad at all. It not only gives you a workout, but also a feeling of awe that you never get between four walls.”


“Intrepid Academy has been a nice experience. It was a little weird to me because it made me think a different way. I can relate better to the readings we do when we go outside for a hike.”


Kiaribel on a 29 degree day in February

Taysha on a climb

Sydney and advisees summit Powisset Peak