Flexible Learning Spaces

What are flexible learning spaces?

Classrooms and schools designed with flexible learning spaces enable students to have a choice in where and how they learn. This can mean something as simple as students having the freedom to rearrange existing furniture to meet their learning needs. It can include a variety of learning environments in a classroom, from rug space to couches to beanbags to tents to collaboration zones. It can include flexible spaces school-wide including quiet rooms and makerspaces and small group and large collaboration spaces.



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What does your innovative learning environment look like?

Did your school create flexible learning environments with the support of the 21st Century Schools Fund? Did you develop flexible environments that promote student agency through other avenues? Add yourself to the map by filling out the brief form to the left.

By mapping flexible learning environment sites in our BPS community, we can learn and share with each other through learning walks, projects, professional learning communities, and more. Let's activate the expertise in our district.

Reach out to the schools below.