

Psychology is the study of human behaviour. It investigates all aspects of our experience from how children learn to why people might commit crimes or suffer from mental health disorders. The OCR Psychology GCSE course provides a broad, worthwhile programme of study that develops an understanding of the ideas and values that characterise our ‘self’ and those around us. It has a particular focus on how we can study behaviour, neuropsychology and how we can help to remove stigma around mental health.

Studying psychology develops skills that go far beyond the content of the course. Students will learn to critically evaluate studies and theory, question the way in which theories are portrayed in the media and in society, and develop an understanding of the way in which science can contribute to society. This is why psychology is considered such a valuable subject for further study and future career options. It is a broad course that overlaps between a science and an essay subject and so can lead to a variety of careers from chartered psychologists to marketing directors to working in welfare professions.

Topics covered

  • Criminal psychology: theories of why people commit crime and the changing nature of punishment

  • Developmental psychology: how children learn and the changing nature of education

  • Psychological problems: schizophrenia, depression and treating mental health disorders

  • Social influence: why people conform or obey and how we can relate that to changing attitudes to mental health

  • Memory: how memory works and how we can improve it

  • Sleep and dreams: theories around the nature of dreams and treatments for insomnia


Two written examinations, each 90 minutes and each worth 50% of the total GCSE.

These examinations will consist of short and medium tariff questions in addition to one extended essay question.


What is Psychology?

  • Psychology is the study of human behaviour. This means it is one of the broadest subjects of study because it covers everything that you do and why you do it. For example: why some people are considered attractive, why you can remember every lyric from One Direction’s album but not your Physics equations, what happens in your brain when you eat chocolate and how children learn.

What does the GCSE course cover?

  • The GCSE course acts as an introduction to the vast subject that is Psychology. We look at human behaviour from lots of different perspectives and try to explain lots of different behaviours. Have a look at the pathways booklet to see a full list of topics.

What does a GCSE Psychology lesson look like?

  • There is no one template for a GCSE Psychology lesson at Costello. Some lessons will include working on group projects to apply theory to real life, sometimes we’ll look at the evidence to propose the theory and sometimes we’ll carry out experiments to investigate human behaviour first hand.

Why are Science and English important for Psychology?

  • Psychology is a rare subject in which scientific and written skills must combine. While it is a Science and so is studied scientifically, we also need to be able to write essays about theory and develop an argument about the nature of human behaviour. Therefore, while you don’t need you to know the parts of an atom or analyse a phrase from a text, you need to use the transferable skills you’ve learnt. Therefore, if you are successful in year 8 English and Science you’ll be in a good position to excel in GCSE Psychology.

What other GCSEs does it combine well with?

  • As Psychology builds so many skills, it combines well with most GCSE subjects. Developing an analytical style of writing will help you with other essay subjects and the Research Methods topics will help with scientific subjects.

How is GCSE Psychology assessed?

  • The GCSE course doesn’t have any coursework so is purely assessed through exams at the end of year 11.

Do I need to study GCSE Psychology to study it for A-Level?

  • No. The A-Level is designed so that you can pick it up when you go to college or sixth form. Having said that, the GCSE course will give you a foundation in how Psychology is studied and some of the core theories in the subject.

Where can the study of Psychology lead?

  • The study of Psychology can lead you anywhere in terms of university study and careers. The theory that you learn will assist you in any situation that you have to deal with people and I can’t think of a single career that doesn’t require some interaction with people! It could take you into a boardroom, a marketing team, an educational setting, the police or medicine. It really is a very diverse subject that opens lots of doors.