Design and Technology


In this GCSE, all students will study a core content to enable them to design and manufacture products from different materials, including timbers, fabrics, cardboards, metal, plastics. There will also be some simple investigation into common mechanisms. Students will then have the opportunity to specialise in either materials, graphics or texities in more depth.  This choice is made during the option selection process.

The Non Examined Assessment will give students the freedom to take design risks and to innovate in a situation where it is safe to test and refine ideas. 

To see more click here 

Topics covered

Students will be able to: 


Component 1 - Examination worth 50%

The paper includes simple calculations, one word and one sentence questions as well as extended-writing questions focused on:

The paper is split into section A “core” and section B “material” categories and is a written exam, which is externally assessed. Students must answer all questions in section A based on the Core of all materials studied. Students must answer questions on the materials they have specialised in, (Metals, Cardboards, Plastics or Timbers), in more depth in section B

Component 2 - Design & Make project worth 50%

Three themes will be provided by the board on 1st June each year, from which students must choose one to respond to. Students will produce a project which consists of a portfolio and a prototype.

There are four parts to the assessment:

This is internally assessed and externally moderated.


Do I have to be good at drawing?

Will I have the same DT teacher?


Is there a lot of practical work?


Can I make what I want?


How will I be assessed at the end to achieve my final grade?


What exam board syllabus do we study? 



What can I do with GCSE Design Technology? (in terms of A-levels, apprenticeships, careers etc)