

A vibrant and dynamic GCSE in Art & Design: Photography, has two components, comprising a ‘Portfolio’ selected from the course of study and an ‘Externally set assignment’, we provide students with a range of creative, exciting and stimulating opportunities to develop and explore their personal interests in art and design (photography).

The course is 100% coursework. You will produce coursework projects and accompanying sketch books which will be made up of at least two extended projects (this is called Portfolio of Work) and you will produce a separate project (Externally Set Task) based on a starting point that the exam board gives you.

The course allows and encourages you to be creative, imaginative, expressive and hardworking. A creative mindset is an essential attribute.

A GCSE in Art & Design: Photography, can lead towards many careers: Photographer, Teacher, Curator, Web Design, Journalist, Film Maker, Fashion Photographer, Scientific Work (think CSI!) the list is endless.

Topics covered

The GCSE Art & Design: Photography course we deliver allows you to explore and develop a wide variety of photographic techniques and processes, for example : lighting, viewpoint, aperture, depth of field, shutter speed and movement, and many more; it allows you to develop your own, individual ideas and encourages you to be independent and self -motivated.

Students are required to work in one or more area(s) of photography, such as; portraiture, location photography, studio photography, experimental imagery, installation, documentary photography, photo-journalism, moving image: film, video and animation and fashion photography, the list is endless.

Project themes that we have covered in the past have been: toy cars, faces, shadows, garden sheds, mini people, landscapes, famous places and lots of current up-to-date themes.


The work is assessed throughout the course.

Component 1

Portfolio of Work - Internally Assessed and worth 60%

Must include a sustained project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the realisation of intentions and a selection of further work undertaken during the student’s course.

Component 2

Externally Set Task - Internally assessed and moderated by external moderator worth 40%

Students respond to their chosen starting point from an externally set assignment paper relating to their subject title, evidencing coverage of all four assessment objectives.

  • AO1 : develop your ideas through investigation informed by artists work demonstrating analytical understanding

  • AO2 : refine your ideas through experimentation and selection of appropriate resources, materials and techniques

  • AO3 : Quality recording skills of ideas, observations, insights relevant to your intentions

  • AO4 : Present a personal response that is thoughtful and original – demonstrate your understanding and realise your intentions


Do I need a camera?

  • You need something to take a photo on. Anything from a simple 'point and shoot' camera to a professional one is ok. Mobile phones are also ok for homework (you will be able to use a school camera in your lessons).

Is there an exam?

  • Yes, but not a sit in a hall traditional exam where you have to remember everything!

  • Photography is split 60/40.

  • 60% is the coursework that you will do in class throughout Y9 – Y11

  • 40% is a task set by the exam board and is completed like a piece of course work in the last 4 months of Y11

Do I have to do any writing?

  • The simple answer to this is yes. You will look at and write about photographers past and present, write about their work as well as work in their style.

  • Analysis and evaluation form a big part of what we do to help your photos improve

Do I need Photoshop at home?

  • Another simple answer, No! Photoshop is expensive and we do not expect you to have Photoshop at home. There are several free online tools which work well, but the main editing you will be doing will be in the classroom on Photoshop and if you need to use it further the classroom will be available for use after school.