Cambridge National Level 2 in Child Development


The early years sector focuses on the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years. 

In the UK, there are approximately 2 million childcare places for children under the age of five; and many different types of early years settings, ranging from childminders and nannies to nurseries, crèches and preschools.

Knowledge of child development is also important in a variety of occupations outside of childcare, for example, in healthcare roles such as pediatricians, psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech and language therapists.

Study of this sector in Key stage 4 will compliment GCSE study allowing you to apply practical application alongside conceptual study. The course complements other GCSEs such as biology or psychology. 

It will also give you the opportunity to develop skills and techniques that enable you to explore the importance of play in children’s learning, and to support children’s development holistically.

Topics covered

RO57 exam unit

RO58 coursework 1

RO59 coursework 2


This course is split into 3 units:

This exam will be sat in Year 11.

There is a practical element to this work and students will need to complete all the work set.


Where could this course take me?

What other subjects go well with Child Development?

What can I expect from this course?

What additional activities are available on this course?