

The History GCSE (EDUQAS) specification provides a broad and coherent course of study that ensures the study of; history on three different timescales, history in three different geographical contexts and history across three different eras.

Topics covered

A change in the GCSE allows students to study a broader and more exciting range of topics for their GCSE:

British Study in Depth

The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603); students study major influences on political and social life during the period as well as the issue of religious controversy. They will look at how aspects of life in this period have been represented and interpreted, and how they have generated wider historical debate

Non-British study in Depth

Germany in Transition (1918-1939); Students study consider the impact of the First World War on Germany, the recovery of the Weimar Republic, the factors which led to the rise of the Nazis and the impact of the Nazi regime upon the lives of the German people.

Period Study

The Development of the USA (1929-2000); Students study key trends and turning points that have affected the development of the USA between 1929 and 2000. They will consider the developments, events and personalities which have shaped the recent history of the USA.

Thematic Study

Changes in Health and Medicine (c.500 to present day); Students will study causes of illness and disease over time, attempts to prevent illness and disease over time, attempts to treat and cure illness and disease, advances in medical knowledge, developments in patient care and finally developments in public health and welfare. 


The GCSE requires students to construct balanced, reasoned and well substantiated extended responses to historical questions. British 

Studies in Depth

The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)- One hour paper, worth 25% of the qualification 

Non-British Studies in Depth

Germany in Transition (1918-1939) - One hour paper, worth 25% of the qualification 

Period Study

The Development of the USA (1929-2000)- One 45 minute paper worth 25% of the qualification

Thematic Study

Changes in Health and Medicine (c.500 to present day)- One hour 15 minute paper worth 25% of the qualification


What do we study?

Why pick History?

Will I have the same history teacher?

Is it hard?

Do I have to write lots?

How is it assessed?

Can I do both history and geography?

How similar is GCSE to Y8 History?

Will my BET assessment result affect whether I can do the subject? 

How many exams do we take at the end?

What can I do with GCSE History? (in terms of A-levels, careers etc)

What exam board do we do? 

Is History right for me?