English Language and Literature


Throughout the three year course, students will further develop their writing, reading, speaking and listening skills to produce written and oral work in a variety of different styles and for a range of different audiences. Texts are taken from the 19th, 20th and 21st century and from a range of different genres and cultures. Students will prepare for two GCSEs in English Language and English Literature. Assessment will be via externally assessed examinations to take place in May and June in year 11.

Topics covered

Topics covered will include: creative writing for different purposes including writing to describe, explain, persuade and advise as well as a range of reading response tasks. Students will be required to read and respond in writing and in discussion to a variety of different texts and media such as documentaries, films, advertisements, newspapers and magazines, as well as works of Literature including works from the English Literary Heritage and different cultures, a Shakespeare play, a modern play and/or novel and a range of poetry from the published Anthology.


Assessment will be via externally assessed examinations to take place in May and June in year 11.

English Language:

English Language: Paper One - Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing

Section A - Reading analysis and interpretation based on one unseen literature text extract

Section B: Writing: Creative writing based on writing to describe, or narrative writing

English Language: Paper Two - Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives

Section A - Reading - One non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text

Section B - Writing- Writing to present a viewpoint

English Literature:

Paper One- Shakespeare and the 19th Century novel:

Section A: Shakespeare 30 marks & 4 for SPAG (Spelling and Grammar)

Section B: 19th Century Novel- 30 marks

Paper Two- Modern Texts and Poetry

Written exam: 2 hours 15 minutes

Section A: Modern Texts- 30 marks & 4 marks for SPAG

Section B: Poetry- 30 marks

Section C- Unseen Poetry- 24 marks & 8 marks


Which GCSEs in English will  I do?

When do the GCSE courses start in English?

Will I need to buy my own books for Literature?