Ancient History


During the course of this GCSE in Ancient History, learners will have the chance to study significant events, individuals, societies, developments and issues in their broader historical contexts. The topic areas selected for this specification range from the 8th century BC to the 1st century AD, and allow learners to study four different societies. Learners taking GCSE in Ancient History will need to study one period study, one longer period study and two depth studies. Ancient History will give you the chance to explore and analyse primary sources from the Greek and Roman age and to develop your knowledge of some of the most important characters from the ancient world like; Cyrus the Great, Caesar, Alexander the Great and more!

Topics covered

Period study

The Persian Empire, 559–465 BC - This is a compulsory period study focusing on the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great, Cambyses II, Darius I and Xerxes I.

Depth study You will study one of the following:

• From Tyranny to Democracy, 546–483 BC or

• Athens in the Age of Pericles, 462–429 BC or

• Alexander the Great, 356–323 BC.

Longer period study

The foundations of Rome: from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC - This is a compulsory longer period study focusing on the kings of Rome and the early Roman Republic.

Depth study. You will study one of the following:

• Hannibal and the Second Punic War, 218–201 BC or

• Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC or

• Britannia: from conquest to province, AD 43–c.84


You will sit 2 exams, each exam lasts 1 hour 45 mins, is out of 100 marks with an additional 5 marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Each exam will include a compulsory unit worth 27.5%, followed by a depth study worth 22.5%


Why should I choose GCSE Ancient History?

What can you expect from this course?

Why is Ancient History important?

Will studying Ancient History help me get a job or the career of my choice?

 Will I enjoy the subject?

How is it assessed? Do I have to write lots?

 Will I get a good grade in Ancient History?

Can I do both history and Ancient History?


How similar is GCSE Ancient History to GCSE History? 

What can I do with GCSE Ancient History? (in terms of A-levels, careers etc)

What exam board do we do?

Is Ancient History right for me?