

A GCSE in Art & Design can lead towards many careers: from architecture to fashion design, product design, illustration and graphic design, artwork for computer games, set and costume design to TV and film production or advertising... the list is endless. A creative mindset is also a desirable, if not essential, attribute for any successful career. The course is 100% coursework. You will produce coursework projects and accompanying sketch books which will be made up of at least two extended projects (this is called Portfolio of Work) and you will produce a separate project (Externally Set Task) based on a starting point that the exam board gives you.

The course allows and encourages you to be creative, imaginative, expressive and hardworking.

Topics covered

The GCSE Art course we deliver allows you to explore and develop a wide variety of skills, for example: drawing & painting, printing and stencilling, sculpture, textiles and photography. It allows you to develop your own, individual ideas and encourages you to be independent and self-motivated. Project themes that we cover include: Abstract Art, Structures, Portraiture, Identity and Issues.


Component 1 - Portfolio of work - Internally Assessed and moderated worth 60%. Externally moderated by the exam board.

Must include a sustained project evidencing the journey from initial engagement to the realisation of intentions and a selection of further work undertaken during the student’s course.

  • AO1 : develop your ideas through investigation informed by artists work demonstrating analytical understanding

  • AO2 : refine your ideas through experimentation and selection of appropriate resources, materials and techniques

  • AO3 : Quality recording skills of ideas, observations, insights relevant to your intentions

  • AO4 : Present a personal response that is thoughtful and original – demonstrate your understanding and realise your intentions

Component 2 - Externally set task – Internally assessed and moderated and worth 40% Externally moderated by the exam board.

Preparatory period (January through to April) followed by 10 hours of supervised time. Students respond to their chosen starting point from an externally set assignment paper. Students produce artwork (sketch book/s and final outcome/s) that in turn provides evidence of all four assessment objectives.

  • AO1 : develop your ideas through investigation informed by artists work demonstrating analytical understanding

  • AO2 : refine your ideas through experimentation and selection of appropriate resources, materials and techniques

  • AO3 : Quality recording skills of ideas, observations, insights relevant to your intentions

  • AO4 : Present a personal response that is thoughtful and original – demonstrate your understanding and realise your intentions


Do I have to be good at Art ?

  • No. The most important thing is that you have to enjoy Art; that you enjoy being creative, enjoy looking at the work of artists, enjoy experimenting and coming up with ideas. Secondly, that you do not minding making mistakes, but actually enjoy being able to see the possibilities in the mistakes. Finally, being prepared to work hard and do homework.

  • Do all of that and you will get better at art whatever your starting point.

Do I have to have art materials of my own ?

  • Yes, eventually. Part way through Yr9 before we start the first GCSE project you will have the opportunity to buy an Art Pack.

  • You can, of course, get your own materials.

Why ?

  • So that you can finish work started in class and produce art work at home.

How much coursework is there ? Is there an exam ?

  • It’s all coursework; there is no revision and no sitting in the hall doing an exam.

  • There are 2 aspects to the course:

    • Portfolio of evidence - worth 60% of your final grade

    • Externally set task - worth 40% of your final grade

What is the portfolio of evidence ?

  • ’Portfolio of evidence’…. This is made up of one very thorough unit of work and a subsidiary unit. It is worth 60% of your final grade

  • We do 2 units starting with structures (half way through YR 9) and then in YR 10 we move on to portrait/identity/issues.

  • During the Autumn term of yr11 you will do a mock externally set task which extends one of those 2 projects, thereby making it more thorough.

Externally set task– what’s that ?

  • The externally set task is worth 40% of your final grade.

  • You are given a choice of 7 starting points by the exam board in the January of Yr11.

  • You choose 1 starting point and produce a project, during lesson times and for homework.

  • At the end of April you produce or finish a final outcome over 2 days in the Art room in ‘exam’ conditions.

How is my work marked ?

  • Work is marked according to 4 assessment objectives (AO’s)

  • Briefly :

  1. analysing & responding (looking at the work of artists and coming up with ideas)

  2. developing your ideas (experimenting with a variety of media and techniques)

  3. Quality of everything you do

  4. Realising your intentions – being original and personal

  • Work is marked as a whole, not individual pieces. Your teacher marks your work, sends off the marks, then the exam board checks the accuracy of our marking.