
The Bedford School District makes available a free, appropriate public education to all children ages 3 to 21 who have been determined to have a disability. The services provided address each child's identified special education and related service needs. Services and placement within the least restrictive environment are determined in response to the child's unique needs and continue until the student has earned a regular diploma or reaches age 21, whichever occurs first.

Students with educational disabilities are defined as those who:

    • Have one or more educational disability, as defined under Federal and State Regulations, and

    • Have any unique educational needs which require special education or special education and related services.

The Bedford School District has adopted an inclusive philosophy for all students with disabilities. As such, it is agreed that the primary educational environment for all students with disabilities is a regular class within the neighborhood school. Students are provided a wide variety of curriculum. Supports include, but are not limited to, special education professional consultation, direct and consultative related service support, recommended outside consultative services, individualized instruction which incorporates recommended adapted equipment, materials and/or curriculum, and environmental accommodations.