Title 1

Two schools in the Bedford School District currently receive program funding through Title I, Part A. Title I funds are used to provide opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills to meet the State of New Hampshire proficiency standards.

Title I funds provide supplemental instructional support through enriched and accelerated education programs. A selection process is used to determine which students would benefit from Title I supported supplemental instruction on the basis of academic need. This instructional support is provided for students in addition to their participation in regular classroom core instruction. Parents are contacted, informed about the services available, and encouraged to give permission for their children to participate.

The New Hampshire Department of Education site gives comprehensive information about the federal law governing Title I. Individual schools provide information specific to the program at each site.

SAU 25 Title I Project Manager, Checker Hansen oversees the program in cooperation with the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction. Ms. Hansen can be reached at (603) 472-3951 x 22394 or hansenc@sau25.net.

New Hampshire Title I Resources:

Link to NH Department of Education Title I Resource Page

Additional services are available to homeless children and youth through Title I:

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act