Self-Portrait with Insects

Prismacolor Colored Pencils on Blue or Green Linen Paper 

The students worked on the self-portrait using the grid transfer technique. In this piece, they not only faced the complexity of self-portraiture, but also had to choose an insect to integrate and tackle the challenge of colors. Since they had to work with a background color, selecting the colors for their artwork proved to be complicated.

This project not only aims to work on self-portraiture, but also provides them with technical skills, understanding of composition, experience with color, and a platform for self-expression and self-awareness. The grid drawing technique helps students develop observation and precision skills by breaking down the image into more manageable sections. This allows them to focus on specific details and improve their ability to accurately represent proportions and shapes. Working with a grid, students learn about the importance of composition and balanced distribution of elements in artwork. This helps them understand how to visually organize a space and make conscious decisions. The use of colored pencils allows students to experiment with a wide range of tones and shades to create a realistic representation of themselves. This helps them understand color theory and develop their ability to mix and apply colors effectively. Lastly, and no less important, the process of creating a self-portrait gives students the opportunity to explore their own identity and personal expression. It allows them to reflect on their physical appearance, emotions, and experiences, and express them creatively through art.

Ian Habibe

Jaime Casellas

Karla Ortiz

Enrique Ríos Rivera

Federico Gregory

Catalina Martí

Joaquín Díaz

Grace Macknight

Juliana Abendaño

Amanda Lomba

Sophia Cangiano

Manuel Toro

Camila Martínez

Valeria Malpica

Aliana Busquets

Kelsey Engelbrecht

Ayani Rivera

Fabiola Feliú

Gabriela Oller

Claudia Lozada