Cardboard Sculpture

This Cardboard Sculpture project showcases a collection of innovative and eye-catching cardboard sculptures created by the 9th-grade Visual Arts students. The sculptures feature a diverse range of individually chosen topics that the students feel are important or significant to them. Each piece has been meticulously crafted using repurposed cardboard material and cut precisely using Exacto knives. The sculptures are brought to life with vibrant and bold colors using acrylic paint. The sculptures offer a unique perspective on the potential of cardboard as an artistic medium and highlight the creativity and skill of the student artists.

Sophia Cangiano

Jaime Casellas

Ramon Cobian

Fabiola Feliu

Sebastián Garcia

Stella Hodges

Nieve Laird

Valeria Malpica

Catalina Martí

Valeria Mendez

Gabriela Oller

Karla Ortiz

Ayani Rivera

Manuel Toro