It was a Fruit...

This project that the MYP1 students worked on involved studying fruits, specifically tangerines and bananas, in detail and then drawing all the different parts of said fruits. Through this project, the students had the opportunity to learn about the anatomy and structure of the fruits, including the peel, pulp, seeds, and more. The project also helped the students develop their observational and drawing skills, as they had to carefully examine and recreate the fruits' different parts. This project provided an engaging and interactive way for the class to learn about fruit anatomy and drawing techniques.

Pablo Richiusa

Antonio Guzmán

Miranda Bernier

Camila Carrillo

Elena  Correa

Eloisa Bellosta

Leonardo Mancera

Javier Blanco

Isabella Gregory

Ricardo Vélez

Mauricio Alsina

César Abreu

Isabella Castellanos

Iker Febus

Bali Naranjo

Ana Lucía Ríos Rivera

Kilanie Nieves

José Claudio Moscoso

Estefanía Rodríguez

Gustavo Pérez

Javier Isado

Emma Busquets

Lucas Zapata

Cecilia Batlle

Ana Emilia Martínez

Mauro Rocafort

Rafael Betancourt

Marco Pérez

Clara Bou

Geneva Dunn

Amanda Ruíz

Victoria Díaz

David Colón

Luna Cangiano

Adriana Dávila

Laura Almodovar

Ariana Hernández Orellano

Gustavo Marin

Varen Gundluru

José Raul Prieto