Space & Mixed Media

Modern Art, Art Deco, and Constructivism are some Movements that represent periods and ways of thinking. Students choose architectural icons and sculptures that represent one of them searching for their creator, context, and characteristics to understand their characteristics. The students developed a representation of the piece and created their mixed-media version. Throughout the project, students' skills, knowledge, and creativity grew, while they explored the rich history and diversity of visual arts.

Diego Rivera

Ava Norman

Sebastián Rosado

Nicolás Lozada

Diego Figueroa

Pau Costa

Richard Valentín

Alex Ríos

Regina Mendoza

Alicia García

Valeria Vega

María Vélez

Isabella Carrillo

Lexx Torres

Noah Vidal

Joseph Pennock

Alejandro Díaz

Isabella Carrillo

Valeria Díaz

Cala Arraya

Juan Pablo Moscoso

 Matías González

Cecilia Daubón

Alex Wang

Iván Cosme