Cool & Warm Landscapes

Welcome to the MYP1 landscape project, where students explored the use of warm and cool colors using oil pastels. In this project, they created beautiful landscapes that showcase the beauty of both urban and rural spaces while also incorporating the principles of color theory. Warm colors such as red, orange, and yellow were used for the sky, while cool colors such as blue, green, and purple we used for the ground. By using oil pastels, students created bold and vibrant colors that helped develop their understanding of color theory and oil pastel techniques. By the end, students developed their artistic skills and created beautiful pieces.

Laura Almodovar

Lucas Zapata

Adrián Dávila

Luna Cangiano

Gustavo Marin

Clara Bou

David Colón

Ariana Hernández Ovellano

Geneva Dunn

Varen Gundluru

José Raul Prieto

Amanda Ruíz

Rafael Betancourt

Marco Pérez

Gustavo Pérez

Victoria Díaz

Mauro Rocafort

Ana Emilia Martínez

Cecilia Batlle

Emma Busquets

Javier Isado

Kilanie Nieves

Leonardo Mancera

Mauricio Alsina

Ava Ledesma

Pablo Richiusa

Isabella Gregory

Camila Carrillo

Bali Naranjo

Eloisa Bellosta

Ricardo Vélez

Miranda Bernier

Ana Lucía Rios Rivera

Elena Correa

Isabella Castellanos

José Claudio Moscoso

Iker Febus

Javier Blanco

Estefanía Rodríguez