Isabella Wang

Femininity is -- .

Watercolor and ink

11 x 9in

The lady on the moon

ink and watercolor 

9 x 6in



9 x 9in

The creation of Eve


14 x 11in

To Sadako


Variable Dimensions


Watercolor and ink

11.5 x 9in

Bitter Sweet

Watercolor and ink

7.5 x 9in


The theme of my exhibition is women. I wanted my collection to show how women are stronger and cooler than how society shows. Before this theme, I was working on another theme (I started over) and I made lots of pieces for that theme that eventually never could be shown. Because of this, I practiced many times before making my final artworks. Thus I improved my skills in art before even starting my current theme. Doja Cat who is actually a singer. She has influenced my work because the song “Woman” in particular sparked my interest to work with the theme of “Women”. Although my work is different from that song, I definitely took inspiration.

At first, I only thought of working with watercolor, so I practiced many times. I actually improved my skills but got a little annoyed with how watercolor works as I cannot hide my mistakes. So, I instead worked with acrylic paint for most of my pieces because it felt like a fresh start and I could hide my mistakes. My acrylic skills actually improved as well during this process. Lastly, I have worked with origami in the past and wanted to bring a sense of nostalgia into my art. My selection of work chosen just radiates badass energy and they happen to shed light onto the female species. Some critics of my pieces might deem them as “scandalous” or not age appropriate because they show the female body parts. My message to them is:  “DO NOT try to say my art is bad or give it a bad rating because then you are reflecting how society, usually, would like women to cover up and how it is taboo to learn about the female body. This is 2022, do better.”

To present my body of work, I did not have a specific order. However, I wanted to give emphasis and individuality to each of the art pieces. I did this by spacing only 2 artwork, at most, on each panel. ‘Femininity is –”, is taking up one panel simply because it is one of my favorite pieces. I would have done the same to ‘The creation of Eve’ if I had another panel as it was also one of my favorite pieces.