Botanical Illustrations

Botanical illustration is a genre of art that aims to accurately describe and convey the form, color, and detail of a plant. The students had to do observational drawings of plants around the campus and illustrate them using watercolors and ink.  Watercolor is a medium known for its transparency and fluidity, which makes the compositions so fresh and exciting.

Nayma  Carballo

Nayma Carballo 

Gloria Mancera

Gloria Mancera

Ema Lopez

Ema Lopez

Natalia Amaro

Natalia Amaro

Tani Yi Lopez

Tani Yi Lopez

Miranda Domenech

Miranda Domenech

Emilio Hinojosa

Emilio Hinojosa

Ana Eva Fortuño

Ana Eva Fortuño

Isabella Febbo

Isabella Febbo

Cecilia Soto

Cecilia Soto

Martin Toledo

Martin Toledo

Barabara Ruiz

Barabara Ruiz

Franco Reguero

Franco Reguero

Alessandro Alfaro

Alessandro Alfaro