Plan of Study (iPOS)

The Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) functions as a contract between the student, the academic unit, and ASU Graduate College. It contains certain degree requirements such as coursework, a committee, and a culminating experience. This a useful tool to reference while tracking program progression and completion. Students will still need to register for courses listed on the iPOS each semester. It will be used by various ASU administration levels to ensure that you have satisfactorily met all program requirements. 

The Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation requires all graduate students to file their iPOS before their final term. To do this, students can refer to their respective program resources to locate more specific instructions to complete the iPOS. It is important to be sure that students keep the iPOS up to date! Students without an approved iPOS on file, or an iPOS that does not match their official academic transcript, will not be eligible to graduate.

Completing the iPOS

You will need to ensure you have the following information available before you begin.

After Submitting the iPOS

Making Changes to iPOS

After your iPOS has been approved, it can be modified and adjusted as needed. Should you need to edit the iPOS, you will need to connect with an academic advisor for assistance, as not all courses are offered in every semester or session. Please remember, you must update your iPOS if any part of your plan changes. You may receive a notification within the Priority Task section of your My ASU if there is a discrepancy between your iPOS and enrollment. Contact your advisor with any other questions that you might have.