Arizona Certification Checklist

For Teachers and Administrators

ASU programs that may lead to professional licensure or certification are intended to prepare students for potential licensure or certification in Arizona. The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) has more requirements for certification beyond going through the ASU Teacher Preparation program. You can see all requirements on the official ADE's website.

Keep in mind that completion of an ASU program may not meet educational requirements for licensure or certification in another state. If you are planning to apply for certification in other states, either via reciprocity or directly through another state, please take time to review the ASU professional licensure webpage. 

The ASU professional licensure page give students the opportunity to select your program, and check under the determinations to find out where our program stands with the state(s) where you plan to apply for certification. If you cannot find the information you are looking for there be sure to visit the website for your state’s credentialing body for further information on teacher certification within your state. If you have further questions about certification in another state after reviewing the information provided there, please contact the ASU MLFTC Compliance office for further assistance at

The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) outlines certification requirements for each certification path.  We have condensed this information and tailored it to account for our teacher/administrator certification programs.  However, please always go back to the original source on the ADE website for your reference. We recommend that you prepare the above prior to or during the final semester of your program so there is no delay in receiving your teacher/administrator certificate.

Teacher Certification Checklist for a Credential in Arizona:

Create an account with the ADE through the Educator Portal to then submit the following throughout your duration of your time in the program and before completion is recommended:

Web Resource: Arizona Department of Education's Certification Requirements

Administrator Certification Checklist for a Credential in Arizona:

Create an account with the ADE through the Educator Portal to then submit the following throughout your duration of your time in the program and before completion is recommended:

Web Resource: Arizona Department of Education's Principal, PreK-12 Certificate Information