Institutional Review Board Guidelines

Institutional Review Board (IRB) Guidelines


Information about applying for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of your research proposals including research-in-action studies conducted during years one and two and doctoral dissertation research is available at  Course instructors for research classes will provide additional information and support.


Semester 1:

Complete proper human subjects training by passing the CITI training course - Group 2 Social & Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel, Basic Course.  Information can be found through the Training and Workshops link of the IRB website:

Semester 2:

Complete -- but do not submit -- an IRB application as an orientation.

Semester 4:

After successfully defending the dissertation proposal, submit a formal up-to-date (possibly revised) IRB application for the dissertation research.

Semester 6:

After successfully defending the dissertation, you will need to close out the IRB application.

Selected IRB Websites