Other Courses

Core 24 requires --> 0.0 Credits

Leadership - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

  • Students develop and strengthen their leadership skills

  • Students are expected to develop and use their initiative and time management skills

  • Students are expected to spend time outside of class to complete coursework and projects

  • Students are involved in school and community projects, assembly planning, student council meetings, school improvement projects, recognition projects, and many more

Peer Tutoring - 0.5 credit / semester

Grades: 9 - 12

  • See Counselor for details

  • Students interested in exploring the field of education may be interested in becoming a peer tutor

  • Peer tutors work with students who have academic difficulties

  • Interested students must be creative and exhibit initiative and leadership ability

  • Tasks include teaching, reading, and basic math. Some secretarial tasks are also included: typing, errands, making copies, etc.

  • Students interested in working specifically with the Life Skills program students are encouraged to meet with the Special Education Teachers.

Teacher / Office Assistant - 0.5 credit / semester

Grades: 11 - 12

  • See Counselor for details

  • Students may serve as an office assistant in the main office, counseling center, career center, attendance office, library, etc. Tasks include filing, telephone answering, message delivery, and other general office tasks under the supervision of a staff member

  • Students may assist a teacher with clerical duties, lab setup, equipment setup, physical education demonstrations, and similar duties.

  • Students are to contact teachers directly for permission to serve as a teacher assistant

Traffic Safety / Driver's Ed - 0.5 credit

Grade: 9 - 12

  • Fulfills 0.5 credit of General Elective (After school program)

  • The cost of this state-certified course is $455.00. The fee is subject to change, please inquire at the time of registration.

  • A payment plan is available (maximum of 3 payments) must see Driver’s Education Director for details.

  • Must be paid in full to receive a Driver’s Education certificate.

  • Every student will understand the rules of the road and the current Best Practices.

  • This classroom instruction and in-car instruction will provide skills and resources for every student to be capable and responsible for life-long drivers.

  • Students will receive:

    • 30 hours of ‘Classroom Time’,

    • 6 hours of ‘Behind the Wheel Instruction’,

    • 6 hour of ‘In-car observation’ and

  • 50 hours of home practice with parents/guardians.

  • Participating in the course will also prepare you to pass the Department of Licensing (DOL) Knowledge test and skills test.