General Postsecondary Education
How to complete graduation assessment requirements
Student who are on a career pathway that require a 2-year or 4-year degree will need to meet standard in one of the ways listed under English Language Arts & Math. Students can mix and match, but must meet one in each column. Below you will find more information on each of the pathways.
If you have any questions contact your counselor.
Graduation Pathway Options that leads 2- & 4-year colleges
1. State Assessment:
Smarter Balanced Assessment
To meet this graduation pathway option, students need to earn at least the graduation score on the high school English Language Arts (ELA) and math Smarter Balanced Assessment of:
- Score on ELA—2548
- Score on math—2595
If determined to be appropriate by their Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, students with an IEP may meet this graduation pathway option with the WA-AIM state assessment. The graduation scores identified by the State Board of Education (in August 2015) for the WA-AIM are:
- Score on ELA—104
- Score on math--103
2. Dual Credit:
Students must earn at least one high school credit in English and one high school credit in math to meet this graduation pathway option. Dual credit courses that qualify for this pathway are courses that earn high school graduation credit in English and math, and that allow students to earn college credit at the 100-level or higher (the college course number must be 100 or higher). Dual credit programs include:
- College in the High School
- Running Start
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit
Students do not have to pay fees or claim college credit to meet this pathway, but they must meet the state or local program criteria or articulation agreement requirements. For CTE dual credit courses to meet this pathway requirement, the course must have a state or local course equivalency to meet high school subject area graduation requirements in English or math.
3. AP:
To meet this graduation pathway option, the student must pass specified courses with a C+ (2.3) grade or higher in AP, IB, or Cambridge International course; or pass the associated assessment at a specified level. Students must pass at least one course or exam in English language arts and one course or exam in math.
Advanced Placement
The AP courses that meet this option in English language arts are:
- English Language and Composition
- United States History
- World History
- United States Government and Politics
- Computer Science Principles
- Calculus
Students must earn a C+ (2.3) grade or higher each term in one of these courses, or score a 3 or higher on the exam associated with these courses.
To meet this pathway, students need to earn at least the graduation score established by the Board on the SAT and ACT. It is recommended that students take these tests with the writing option, since some institutions of higher education require the tests with writing for admissions. The available options and the graduation scores are listed below. A graduation cut-score on the ACT (no Writing) is not available at this time. The State Board of Education will consult with OSPI on whether and how this graduation pathway option may be available to students.
SAT and ACT scores (graduation pathway option)Pathway OptionSAT with EssaySAT ScoreACT with WritingACT (no Writing)
(The SAT cut scores and the ACT ELA scores were adopted by the Board at the August 15, 2016 Board meeting. The ACT math score was established through concordance with SAT.)
5. Transition Course:
For the purposes of graduation pathway options, transition courses are English and math courses that, based on their final grade, allow students to place directly into credit-bearing college level courses (courses with college course numbers of 100 or above), as based on policies and criteria of school districts and applicable institutions of higher education. Bridge to College courses are transition courses. Other courses may qualify based on local placement agreements between districts and higher education entities. Transition courses must earn high school graduation requirements in English and math.
6. Combination:
Students may use different pathway options to meet the requirements for English and math. For example, a student may meet the English graduation pathway option using the state assessment, and the math graduation pathway option using a transition course. The graduation pathway options that may be used in combination are:
- Smarter Balanced Assessment
- Dual Credit
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Cambridge
- Transition Courses