Future 9th graders - Course Requests
Here are some opportunities to learn more about entering High School
Your 4-year planning process is four steps. Here’s a video
CREATE a plan and complete the details
REVIEW graduation requirements
Fill in your class requests for NEXT YEAR.
FINALIZE your plan by filling in your course requests all the way to graduation.
For students with no experience on HSBP
Introduction to the new High School & Beyond Plan
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access the High School & Beyond Plan
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You will be starting your 4-year Plans. This is a critical step in the course request process, your High School and Beyond Plan, and launches you into your career.
We know all this is overwhelming and confusing. Please chat with your advisor/teachers and your counselor. They are here to help, your counselor’s contact information is in this COUNSELOR LINK.
We don’t expect you to plan your entire life or even pick your exact career right now. What we do hope is that you pick a career area or direction and start learning more about it.
Let’s get started… Goals for this activity
Step 1: CREATE your 4-year plan in HSB
You don’t need to fill in your class requests, just yet
Check out the videos to see how to complete
Step 2: REVIEW graduation requirements.
Here’s a graduation requirement video
Here’s a graduation requirement document
Here’s are some unique course options
Have conversations with the following people before completing the next year’s course requests and the rest of your 4-year plan.
Parents or Guardians
Classroom Teacher
Printable planning guide:
This part can get complicated and overwhelming. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. If you need help contact your counselor COUNSELOR LINK, teachers, and parents/guardians we are here to help. Your schedule will be reviewed by counselors to ensure that is it appropriate, so just do your best. Now, request your classes for NEXT YEAR!
Step 3: Fill in your class requests for NEXT YEAR.
Hopefully, you have reviewed the video and understand the requirements for graduation. If you don’t please go back to Step 2 and review.
Please watch the videos. The second one is a play-along video with built-in stopping points. So be ready to switch between windows. Also, make sure all other programs are not running like your music and Netflix. This process will be very demanding of your computer any other running programs will slow many of your computers
8th Graders watch the two videos
Printable planning guide:
IMPORTANT - Choose Alternative Courses Form → https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScP6gxogsPeoqQzBiAvGY577l6YEIn4HRKoKGmFtsZzRj3hPg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
Have your counselor COUNSELOR LINK, teacher, and or parent/guardian check your schedule. In our next video, we will show you how to complete all four years of your high school and beyond plan.
Lesson #4
Lesson Plan:
You should have completed your Next Year’s class schedule request.
Now that you have next year sorted out, we will fill in our schedule for the rest of high school. Below is a sheet to help you with this process. --> 4-year Planning Doc. In this document, you can fill in your Plan for courses for the rest of high school. Please remember you need to meet all your course requirements. Review those here --> Graduation Requirements Video.
Once you have completed all of your course requests to graduation, you are done! Please Mark your 4-year Plan as completed on your Completion Status Page.
Social Studies:
Some of the templates require you to take more social studies in your senior year than you need to graduate. You must take Government but may or may not need to take the second semester of Social Studies. You can take additional social studies if you want. But if you don’t like to take extra Social Studies, please fill in or add an extra line (Line 7) to your schedule and leave the social studies section blank.
In the end, this is what is required. You need 3.0 Social Studies credits to graduate.
1.0 World History (Typically taken in 10th grade and prefilled)
1.0 U.S. History (Typically taken in 11th and prefilled)
0.5 credits of Government (Typically taken in 12th and prefilled)
0.5 credits of Social Studies Elective