9th - Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Core 24 requires --> 1.0 Credits 


Career and Technical Education is a planned program of courses and learning experiences that begins with an exploration of career options. It supports basic academic and life skills and enables achievement of high academic standards, leadership, preparation for industry-defined work, and advanced education. It includes six program areas

Agricultural Education

The mission of Agriculture Education is to provide all learners with literacy and technical knowledge and skills necessary to live in a global society in the areas of agriculture, natural resources, horticulture, and the environment.

Agricultural Science - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9

Inter-curricular Student Organization: FFA

Are you interested in hands-on science that applies to real life? Everyone who eats or enjoys nature will relate to this class.  Learn about the largest industry in Washington State in Agriculture Science.

CTE Equivalency credit: Lab Science

Supervised Agricultural Experience - 1.0 credits

Grades: 9 -12

Intercurricular Student Organization: FFA

If you are an active FFA member, you are learning all the time and can earn credit for your involvement while maintaining your eligibility for FFA membership. 

Business & Marketing Education

The mission of Marketing Education is to enable students to understand and apply marketing, management, and entrepreneurial principles; to make rational economic decisions; and to exhibit social responsibility in a global economy.  The curriculum encourages students to think critically, stresses the importance of interpersonal skills in diverse societies, fosters a realistic understanding of work, and an understanding and appreciation of business ethics.

Computer & Career Foundations - 0.5 credit 

Grades: 9 - 12

Intercurricular Student Organization: FBLA

Microsoft Office - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: FBLA

Dual Credits: EvCC Word Processing & Spread Sheet (CL103 & CL104) - 4 credits (total)

Multimedia Technology - 0.5 credits

Grades: 9 - 12   

Intercurricular Student Organization: FBLA

Journalism & Broadcast - 1.0 credit

Inter-curricular Student Organization: Washington Journalism Education Association

CTE Equivalency: English 

Sports Journalism - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9-12

Intercurricular Student Organization: Washington Journalism Education Association

CTE Equivalency: English

Grades: 9 - 12

Intercurricular Student Organization: Washington Journalism Education Association

CTE Equivalency: Senior English (for 12 Grade Only)

JOURN170: Student News Media - 1.2 credits

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: Washington Journalism Education Association

CTE Equivalency: Fine Art or Senior English

College in the High School: EvCC Introduction to Journalism (JOURN170) -  3 credits available (student pays tuition)

Marketing 1 - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: DECA 

Marketing 2 - Social Media - 1.0 credit

Grades 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: DECA  

Family & Consumer Science Education

Family and consumer science education empowers individuals and families across the life span to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse, global society. Our unique focus is on families, work and their interrelationships preparing students for their dual role of wage earner and family member.

Family Health - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

CTE Equivalency: Health

Child Development - 1.0 credit*

Grades 9-12

Intercurricular Student Organization: Skills USA

The course is a study of the principles of child growth and development from conception through adolescence. The focus of the course is on meeting children's physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs in their homes and classrooms. Students apply their learning in various educational settings.

Baking 1 - 0.5 credits

Grade: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

Culinary 1 - 0.5 credits

Grade: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

American Sign Language 1 - 1.0 credit

Grade: 9 - 11

CTE Equivalency: Global Language

Inter-curricular Student Organization: Sign Language Club

Health Science

The mission of Health Careers is to prepare students for further education and/ or entry-level jobs in all areas of health care, fitness and medicine.  Within sports medicine are areas of specialization such as athletic training, physical and occupational therapy, exercise physiology, biomechanics, clinical medicine, orthopedic medicine, sports nutrition, sports psychology and more.  

If any student is interested in a future in health careers and would like to gain a certificate outlining earned competencies in the health science pathway, there are additional classes available at Weston High School for all Arlington High School students. These courses further prepare students to enter certificate programs or college health science courses after graduation.

Principles of Biomedical Science - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: HOSA

CTE Equivalency: Lab Science   

Sports Medicine 1 - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12 

Intercurricular Student Organization: Sports Medicine Club

CTE Dual credit: EvCC Medical Terminology (HLTH 100) - 5 Credits 

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.

Computer Science (Intro) - 0.5 credit 

Grade: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

Robotics - 0.5 credit

Only offered at Weston High School campus

Grades: 9 - 12 

Inter-curricular Student Organization: FIRST Robotics (Neobots)

CTE Equivalency: 3rd year Math (counselor review needed)

3D Animation - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12  

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

CTE Equivalency: Fine Art

2D Video Game Programming - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

CTE Equivalency: 3rd year Math (counselor review needed)

Skilled and Technical Trades

Technology Education studies include designing, developing, and utilizing technological systems in real world experiences using up-to-date resources.  Trade and Industry Education includes preparatory programs that prepare individuals to produce, process, assemble, test, maintain, service, and/or repair products. What separates STEM from the traditional science and math education is the blended learning environment and showing students how the scientific method can be applied to everyday life. It teaches students computational thinking and focuses on the real world applications of problem solving.

Construction - Wood Tech 1 - 1.0 credits*

Grade 9-12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

This course will focus on the foundation of construction trades. Students will learn and practice basic safety skills. They will need to understand and demonstrate basic math skills. Students will be introduced to different hand tools and be able to recognize and demonstrate each one. They will also be introduced to power tools and be able to recognize and demonstrate each one. Students will learn how to read and explain blueprints.

In Construction, students will receive hands-on experience building:

Cabinetry - Woods Technology 1 - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

Theater Production - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: Stagecraft Club

Equivalency credit: Fine Art

Metal Manufacturing 1 (Welding) - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: SkillsUSA

CTE Dual credit: EvCC Industrial Safety and Metal Trades & Welding Skill Building (WELD154 & WELD225) - 4 Credits (Total)

Graphic Art 1 - 0.5 credit

Grades:  9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: Media Arts Club

CTE Equivalency: Fine Art

Dual Credit: 

Graphic Art 2 - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: Media Arts Club

CTE Equivalency: Fine Art

Dual Credit: 

Photo Foundations 1 - 0.5 credit

Grades:  9 - 12

Inter-curricular Student Organization: FCCLA

CTE Equivalency: Fine Art

Photo Foundations 2 - 0.5 credit

Inter-curricular Student Organization: FCCLA

CTE Equivalency: Fine Art

Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps  

All grades, 9th - 12th may enroll. Developing organization, time management, and communication skills. Leadership apprenticeship, resume building, public speaking/ interview skill Participate in a Health Ed/Physical conditioning program. Community Service projects – Adopt-a-Highway, Cocoon House, Memorial Day, etc. Opportunity for college scholarships / earn a nomination to a US military academy. Field trips – Military bases, Aviation Museums, Airports, Boeing, FAA facilities, spring & summer Leadership training (Obstacle courses, Rappel Tower, Rock wall climbing, etc.). “Cyber Patriot” – network defense/cyber warfare - World Wide competition (4480+ teams)! Orienteering competitions – navigation skills, map and compass reading, course plotting. Rocketry! – design, build, and launch model rockets!

AFJROTC: Science of Flight / Leadership 1 - 1.0 credit

Grades: 9 - 12 

Inter-curricular Student Organization: AFJROTC

CTE Equivalency: Science (non-lab)

AFJROTC: Drill, Strength, Marksmanship, & Color Guard - 0.5 credit

Grades: 9 - 12 

Inter-curricular Student Organization: AFJROTC