Special Education

Some students at RAHS receive Special Education services to support their individualized educational needs. We offer grade level co-taught core courses to support learning in the least restrictive environment.  Registration for these courses is an IEP team decision.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your case manager.

Special Education English Replacement Courses

English Fundamentals 9 A, B, C

Course # 9209, 9210, 9323

Grade Offered: 9

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Students have the opportunity to complete the required 9th English credit. Students will actively engage in the reading process using a variety of diverse English language texts that meet the students' individual needs and abilities. In addition, students will engage in a variety of writing tasks that align with their goals and state standards. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

English Fundamentals 10 A, B, C

Course # 9211, 9212, 9213

Grade Offered: 10

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Students have the opportunity to complete the required 10th grade English requirement in a modified setting. This course is meant to follow completion of English Fundamentals 9. Students will be exposed to a variety of English genre. Reading comprehension and vocabulary strategies will be emphasized to address students’ individual reading goals. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

English Fundamentals 11 - A, B

Course # 9215, 9216

Grade Offered: 11

Credits: 2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Students have the opportunity to complete the required American Literature and Composition requirement in a modified setting. This course is meant to follow completion of English Fundamentals 10. A variety of stories will be read with emphasis placed on the understanding of plot, setting, character, and theme. Written assignments will be based on assigned readings and class discussions. This modified course will focus on technical writing and analytical writing skills. Topic, thesis statements, logical organization, note-taking, use of specific evidence, grammar skills, revision, and research will be the skills developed in this class. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

English Fundamentals 12 - A, B

Course # 9227, 9228

Grade Offered: 12

Credits: 2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. This course allows students to meet one 12th grade Language Arts elective credit requirement in a modified setting. This course is meant to follow completion of English Fundamentals 11. This modified class will teach students to use interpersonal communication skills to build successful personal and professional relationships, and to write for a variety of purposes & audiences. Real-world contexts, such as job searches, family dynamics, government documents, newspaper and nonfiction reading, media literacy, community leadership roles, persuasive/opinion arguments, and researching community opportunities, will be used to practice the language skills necessary for success after high school. Special Education case manager referral is required. 

English Connect A, B, C

Course # 9401, 9402, 9403

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of reading and writing curriculum and social/behavioral training. Successful completion of the course will earn the student English credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course may be taken multiple times per IEP.

English Essentials A, B, C

Course # 9237, 9238, 9239

Grade Offered: 9, 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Course curriculum focuses on basic transitional life skills in reading and writing. Course content includes, but is not limited to, vocabulary, reading fluency/comprehension, writing and spelling. Students will also practice reading functional words and signs in the community. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course may be taken multiple times per IEP.

Special Education Math Replacement Courses

Algebra Fundamentals A, B, C

Course # 9435, 9436, 9437

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized math class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing pre-algebra math skills. This course reviews real numbers, multi-step equations, linear functions, systems of equations, simplifying exponents and radicals, operations with polynomial expressions, and factoring. Problem solving, word problems,  and reasoning skills will be emphasized in every unit. Students will also learn how to apply algebraic functions into real life situations and how to translate these skills into other areas of their life. Special Education Case Manager referral is required.

Geometry Fundamentals A, B, C

Course # 9440, 9441, 9442

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course teaches the concepts of geometric figures such as lines, angles, triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, prisms, and pyramids. Real life application of geometric concepts including formulas involving perimeter, area, and volume will be stressed. Students will also review algebra concepts, such as solving equations. This class teaches students the essential concepts of geometry. This course aligns with state standards. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Math Concepts 1 A, B, C

Course # 9245, 9246, 9256

Grade Offered: 9, 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized math class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing basic math skills. The focus is on building a strong arithmetic foundation with some use of calculators. Curriculum levels can range basic facts, calculations and word problems up to pre-algebra. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Math Concepts 2 A, B, C

Course # 9251, 9252, 9254

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized math class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing foundational math skills. This course is the second year of the individualized math class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing basic math skills. The focus is on building a strong arithmetic foundation with some use of calculators. Curriculum levels can range from basic facts, calculations and word problems up to pre-algebra. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Math for Life and Career A, B, C

Course # 9249, 9250, 9255

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: 9254, 9256

Description: This course focuses on math problem solving for life and future careers. Students will manage money, learn how to budget, calculate sale prices and discounts. This course is designed for students with math IEP goals. Math Concepts 1 and Math Concepts 2 are prerequisites. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Math Connect A, B, C

Course # 9412, 9413, 9414

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Math curriculum and social/behavioral training. Successful completion of the course will earn the student math credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

This course may be taken multiple times per IEP.

Math Essentials A, B, C

Course # 9230, 9231, 9232

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11

Credits: 3

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized math class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing basic math skills. This course curriculum focuses on life skills related to math. Course content includes, but is not limited to: addition, subtraction, counting, using money, telling time and basic checking account skills. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course may be taken multiple times per IEP.

Special Education Social Studies Replacement Courses 

Social Studies Essentials A, B

Course # 9270, 9271

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Social Studies curriculum from grades 9-12. Successful completion of the course will earn the student social studies credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course may be taken multiple times per IEP.

Social Studies Connect A, B

Course # 9409, 9410

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP, Connect Program

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Social Studies curriculum from grades 9-12. Successful completion of the course will earn the student social studies credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course may be taken multiple times per IEP.

Special Education Science Replacement Courses

Science 9 Fundamentals A, B


Course # 9275, 9276

Grade Offered: 9/10

Credits: 2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Science 9 curriculum. Successful completion of the course will earn the student science credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

(Offered every other year)

Biology Fundamentals A, B

Offered the 2025/2026 School Year 

Course # 9281, 9282

Grade Offered: 9/10

Credits:  2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Biology curriculum. Successful completion of the course will earn the student science credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

(Offered every other year)

Chemistry Fundamentals A, B

Course # 9284, 9285

Grade Offered: 11

Credits:  2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: In this course students will develop the fundamental knowledge to understand the basics of chemistry. Additionally students will learn and develop basic science skills such as data organization, technical writing, and laboratory techniques. Successful completion of the course will earn the student science credit.Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Science Essentials A, B

Course # 9279, 9280

Grade Offered: 9-12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Science 9 and Biology curriculum. Successful completion of the course will earn the student science credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course can be taken multiple times per IEP.

Science Connect A, B

Course # 9407, 9408

Grade Offered: 9-12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP, Connect Program

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Instruction will focus on a combination of Science 9 and Biology curriculum. Successful completion of the course will earn the student science credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course can be taken multiple times per IEP.

Special Education College and Career Readiness Electives 

Academic Seminar 9

Course # 9335

Grade Offered: 9

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP 

Description: This course is designed for ninth grade students who need to improve on organization and study skills. The curriculum includes teaching, practicing and reinforcing organizational, study and self-advocacy skills; providing assistance for homework completion; supporting an increase in positive adult interactions and increasing progress monitoring of academic and social success. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Academic Seminar 10-12

Course # 9960

Grade Offered: 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: College Career Readiness or Academic Seminar 9, IEP

Description: This course is designed for 10-12th grade students who need to improve on organization and study skills. The curriculum includes teaching, practicing and reinforcing organizational, study and self-advocacy skills; providing assistance for homework completion; supporting an increase in positive adult interactions and increasing progress monitoring of academic and social success. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Independent Living 

Course # 9207

Grade Offered:  11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is for students who receive services through an IEP. Curriculum focuses on basic functional transition skills. Students gain experience in areas of daily living, goal setting, budgeting, apartment searching, community participation and much more. Special Education Case Manager referral is required.


Course # 9885, 9886, 9887

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits:  3 (over the course of the year)

Prerequisites: IEP 

Description: The PAES lab is a career training program which allows students to explore hands on jobs that translates into a real world career.  This program will assess skills needed fro vocational training, placement and independent living.  PAES is a work development lab which where students get paid (simulated money) to explore multiple work areas using hands on activities

College and Career Readiness 9

Course # 9417

Grade Offered: 9

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is modeled after the philosophy of the AVID elective curriculum and is for 9th graders only. It is necessary that students understand that they are the key to their success in this course. This course combines rigor and support to prepare students for postsecondary education and training. It includes instruction in study skills, organization skills, communication skills, reading comprehension, writing, collaboration, inquiry, test-taking strategies, and personal development. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

College and Career Readiness 10

Course # 9427

Grade Offered: 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is modeled after the philosophy of the AVID elective curriculum and is for 10th graders only. It is necessary that students understand that they are the key to their success in this course. This course combines rigor and support to prepare students for postsecondary education and training. It includes instruction in study skills, organization skills, communication skills, reading comprehension, writing, collaboration, inquiry, test-taking strategies, and personal development. Special Education Case Manager referral is required 

Career Seminar Fundamentals

Course # 9294

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

Description: This Work-based Learning course consists of two components taken concurrently: an internship/work-experience and a course called Career Seminar. Work-Based Learning is a partnership between RAHS and businesses that is fostered and directly supervised by a work coordinator. Students attend school part of the day for the required Career Seminar class and leave school for the internship/work experience. The work coordinator will assist in finding work experiences based on the interest of each student. Juniors and Seniors can participate in the program for up to two years, with the potential to earn two credits each trimester. Students will learn how to research careers and post secondary educational opportunities to pursue these career options. They will learn how to apply for a job, develop interview skills, evaluate success on the job, and maintain personal finances. Many of the internships/work-experiences may lead to full-time employment with benefits, including the possibility of employer-sponsored apprenticeships.

On the Job Training

Course # 9295

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP and Career Seminar 

Description: The work experience course is a partnership between RAHS and businesses that is fostered and directly supervised by a Work Experience Coordinator. In order for students to participate in this course, they must either have completed the Career Seminar course or take the Career Seminar course concurrently. RAHS students can participate in work-based learning during their Junior and/or Senior years. Students enrolled in this course will have IEP goals related to employment on their current IEP. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Essential Work Experience

Course # 9289

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits:  1

Prerequisites: IEP 

Description: This course is designed to develop vocational goals and skills. Students will learn work skills pertaining to: Career Interests and Abilities, Career Exploration, Job Applications, Employer Expectations, Interviewing and Workplace Communication. Students enrolled in this course will participate in volunteer work experiences as arranged by the instructor during classroom time. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Special Education - Social Skills 

Social Skills A and B

Course # 9337, 9338

Grade Offered: 9, 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. The curriculum focuses on the development of the social, organization, self-advocacy, and work related skills that students will need to successfully transition to adulthood. Students will engage in circles, self-advocacy lessons, and problem solving scenarios throughout the trimester. Students will focus on perspective taking skills, social competence, and self-regulation skills.  Special Education Case Manager referral is required.  This course can be taken up to two times per year for elective credits. 

Advanced Social Skills A and B

Course # 9342, 9343

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This is an Advanced format of the Social Skills course where students will apply and develop those skills in specific post-secondary contexts such as college and the workplace, as well as focusing on self-advocacy to prepare students for post-secondary independent or supported life. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. This course can be taken up to two times per year for elective credits. 

Social Skills for Work

Course # 9313

Grade Offered: 9, 10

Credits:  1

Prerequisites: IEP

 Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Students engage in on the job training and supported work environments within the school building. This course is intended to support students who continue to need to maintain their social skills as well as to gain valuable transition skills to be career and/or college ready.

Advanced Social Skills for Work

Course # 9330

Grade offered: 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This is an Advanced format of the Social Skills for Work course.  Students engage in on the job training and supported work environments within the school building. This course is intended to support students who continue to need to maintain their social skills as well as to gain valuable transition skills to be career and/or college ready.


Course # 9205

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. Curriculum focuses on the areas of problem solving, perspective taking and anxiety reduction. Students will engage in circle practices, self-advocacy lessons, and problem solving scenarios throughout the trimester. This class will aid in supporting students with emotional needs as they navigate the academic and social challenges of high school. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Can be taken more than once.


Course # 9405

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP 

Description: FOCUS is a course that focuses on social, emotional, and behavioral growth.  Some topics from the course include Self-Esteem, Communication, Relationships, Anger, Conflict, Resiliency, Stress, Safety, and Life Skills.  Most days students will participate in group circle times, a lesson, and then have some time for academic support for other classes. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Can be taken more than once.

Social Connect

Course # 9406

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP 

Description: Social Connect is a course that focuses on social, emotional, and behavioral growth.  Some topics from the course include Self-Esteem, Communication, Relationships, Anger, Conflict, Resiliency, Stress, Safety, and Life Skills.  Most days students will participate in group circle times, a lesson, and then have some time for academic support for other classes. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. Can be taken more than once.

**This Course is Connect Program Specific**

DAPE- Developmental/Adapted Physical Education 

Adaptive Physical Education (DAPE)

Course # 9235

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP Team Decision

Description: This course is an individualized class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing physical education skills. This course fulfills the physical education credits needed. It can be taken for a required or an elective credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required.

Setting 3 DCD Daily Schedule

Basic Academics 

Course # 9425  (2 Class periods/day)

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. The curriculum focuses on basic functional math and English life skills. Math lessons will include basic addition, basic subtraction, telling time, counting money and calendar skills. Functional English lessons will include: spelling, speaking, listening skills, question-asking skills, vocabulary, reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing and developing an awareness of personal information. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Basic Community Life and Work Skills

Course # 9320 (2 periods/day)

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits:  2

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. This is a two period course for students. Curriculum focuses on the following basic transition needs: home and daily living, social skills, recreation and leisure, and community participation. Skill development in personal and community safety, shopping skills, manners, menu planning and cooking, basic sexual awareness, self-care and advocacy skills will be emphasized. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Basic Work Experience

Course # 9307

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is an individualized class designed for students at their instructional level. The curriculum is designed to increase student's independence in a workplace setting focusing on functional workplace communication, social skills, self-advocacy and employer-preferred work skills. Students enrolled in this course are expected to participate in a non-paid work experience during classroom time as arranged by instructor. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

Basic DAPE

Course # 9234

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP Team Decision

Description: This course is an individualized class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing physical education skills. This course fulfills the physical education credits needed. It can be taken for a required or an elective credit. Special Education Case Manager referral is required.

Setting 3 ASD (CID Program) Daily Schedule

CID Work Experience

Course # 9309

Grade Offered: 9, 10. 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is designed for students in the CID Program with social, emotional and sensory needs. This course is designed to increase student's independence in a workplace setting. Curriculum focuses on functional workplace communication, social skills, self-advocacy and employer-preferred work skills. Students enrolled in this course are expected to participate in a non-paid work experience during classroom time as arranged by instructor. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

CID Academics

Course # 9312

Grade Offered: 9, 10. 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is designed for students in the CID Program with social, emotional and sensory needs. Instruction will focus on a combination of reading and writing curriculum and social, sensory and communication strategies. This course may be taken up to three times. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

CID Social Communication Skills

Course # 9310

Grade Offered: 9, 10. 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP

Description: This course is designed for students in the CID Program with social, emotional and sensory needs. Curriculum will focus on understanding social situations, using social skills, sensory and relaxation strategies. This course may be taken up to three times. Special Education Case Manager referral is required. 

CID Independent Living

Course # 9314

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites:  IEP

Description:  This course is designed for students in the CID Program with social, emotional and sensory needs. Curriculum focuses on basic functional transition skills. Students gain experience in areas of daily living, goal setting, budgeting, apartment searching, community participation and much more. Special Education Case Manager referral is required


Course # 8591

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: IEP Team Decision

Description: This course is an individualized class designed to meet students at their instructional level and assist them in developing physical education skills. This course fulfills the physical education credits needed. It can be taken for a required or an elective credit. Specialized for the CID Program: Special Education Case Manager referral is required.