Physical Education & Health


RAHS Graduation Requirements:

PE 1: Grade 9

PE 2: Grades 10,11, or 12

Health: Grade 10


Physical Education 1

Course # 4402

Grade Offered: 9


Prerequisites: None

*Fulfills a specific graduation requirement

Description: The relationship of fitness to overall health is important; research has linked fitness to decreasing the onset of a wide variety of health-related conditions. Physical Education 1 will help students incorporate exercise into their lifestyles and focus on team-based activities. Activities include: basketball, flag football, floor hockey, soccer, softball, team handball, volleyball, weight-training and fitness testing. As teenagers, students will enjoy developing skills that will help them maintain fitness throughout their lives. Students are expected to have proper gym shoes daily and actively participate in each class period.

Physical Education 2

Course # 4504

Grade Offered: 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: [4402] Physical Education I 

*Fulfills a specific graduation requirement

Description: The Physical Education Course 2 will build upon basics learned in our Physical Education 1 curriculum and will focus more on individual and dual lifetime activities. Activities include: tennis, archery, badminton, table tennis, gymnastics, cardio conditioning, beach volleyball, weight-training and fitness testing. Students are expected to have proper gym shoes daily and actively participate in each class period. This class should be taken in either 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. 

Health 10

Course # 4501

Grade Offered: 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

*Fulfills a specific graduation requirement

Description: The decisions you make today will affect your health tomorrow. Health is critical to quality of life and learning how to become and stay healthy should be a top priority in your life. Our course is designed to acquaint students with skills which are useful for them as lifelong learners and help them to become responsible, healthy individuals. The topics we will focus on are: mental health, nutrition, chemical awareness, sexuality and first-aid, safety, and CPR. 

Health 10 Online

Course # 4501L

Grade Offered: 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

*Fulfills a specific graduation requirement

Please Note

This online course will only run if there are enough students registered. In the case that the online course you selected does not run, you will be enrolled to the in-person version of the course.

Description: Health 10 Online is a one trimester course that enhances the development of the whole student by guiding each person through understanding the seven dimensions of wellness: Social, Physical, Emotional, Career, Intellectual, Environmental, and Spiritual. Students will understand health prevention and promotion techniques, develop skills needed in confronting adverse situations, recognize the value of health literacy and be able to demonstrate the skills to advocate for personal growth. The Roseville Health curriculum empowers students to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to make informed and positive decisions throughout their lives. This class is for individuals are well-organized, diligent workers, and can advocate for themselves. 

                        PHYSICAL EDUCATION ELECTIVES

Mind and Body

Course # 4521

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

Description: With all the stressors that teenagers face in today’s society, it is important to explore and understand positive strategies to take care of one’s mind and body. Within this course, students will focus on the mind & body connection and spend time reflecting on strategies to improve the individual self. This course will build on skills that promote healthy behaviors, as well as recognize and help reduce risk factors that contribute to unhealthy choices. Students will also have the opportunity participate in yoga, relaxation, meditation and other positive stress management and reduction skills. Course Outline: Students will be in the classroom two days a week learning techniques to help cope with stress and anxiety. The other three days will be spent participating in yoga and meditation. This course can be taken up to three times each year (one per trimester).

Strength and Fitness I

Course # 4502

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

Description: This co-educational course will include extensive information and practice in weight training and athletic injury prevention. Basic conditioning, weight training techniques and proper safety procedures will be emphasized. Students will develop their own individual weight training program. This course may be scheduled once per school year and students must pass Strength & Fitness I before they are able to take Strength & Fitness II. Students are expected to have proper gym shoes daily and actively participate in each class period.

Strength and Fitness II

Course # 4507

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: [4502] Strength & Fitness I; or Instructor Approval 

Description: This course is designed to build upon the basic concepts/skills learned in Strength & Fitness I. Further development in training techniques/skills and further discussion of fitness related issues is emphasized. This class would enable the students to continue their programs and now custom design other lifts that would enhance their sport or lifestyle fitness program. This course may be taken up to three times each year (one each trimester). Students are expected to have proper gym shoes daily and actively participate in each class period.

Team Activities 9/10

Course # 4410

Grade Offered: 9, 10

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

Description: There is no "I" in team! Teamwork is essential to success in any arena, especially physical education. Teamwork, cooperation, sportsmanship, and fair play will be the foundation of this course. The activities will include: basketball, flag football, floor hockey, soccer, softball, team handball, volleyball, whiffle ball, and ultimate frisbee. Students will improve their overall knowledge of rules, boundaries, scoring, game concepts and strategies. This course may be scheduled 3x per school year and is available to 9-10 graders. Students are expected to have proper gym shoes daily and actively participate in each class period.

Team Activities 11/12

Course # 4411

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

Description: This course would use the traditional team activities and explore more in-depth process and critical thinking skills. Using added classroom emphasis time this would allow for more strategy, offensive sets, defensive zone and one on one concepts. There would be more time for game planning and rotation of team roles, positions, and formations. Each day there is a push to develop your team’s strength and weaknesses and adjust play, lead up, and practice to address changes. The opportunity for peer teaching and critical thinking skills will definitely set this class above others in physical education. The curriculum choices include: basketball, flag football, floor hockey, soccer, team handball, volleyball, whiffle ball, mass ball games, ultimate Frisbee, and football. Students are expected to have proper gym shoes and actively participate in each class period. 

Lifetime Recreation

Course # 4513

Grade Offered: 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: [4504] Physical Education 10/11 

Description: This course offers the opportunity for students to learn and participate in lifetime recreational activities and sports. Students will be challenged on a social, recreational, cognitive and physical level while participating in and learning activities such as: badminton, table tennis, wiffle ball, hand ball, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball, broom ball, Australian horseshoes, softball, beach volleyball and other leisure activities. Students are expected to wear proper gym shoes  and actively participate in each class period. This course may be scheduled twice per school year. 

PE 12 Elective

Course # 4516

Grade Offered: 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: [4402] Physical Education 9 and [4504] Physical Education 10/11 

Description: This course will offer students the opportunity to experience new interests and attain new, exciting, life-long physical activities. Students will be challenged on a cognitive, social and physical level by participating in activities such as: badminton, basketball, volleyball, non-traditional games, pickle-ball, lacrosse, soccer, floor hockey, and many other activities. Students are expected to wear proper gym shoes and actively participate in each class period. 

Total Body Conditioning

Course # 4520

Grade Offered: 9, 10, 11, 12

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None

Description: This course will provide each student the knowledge of why it is important to be physically fit, and give them an opportunity to improve their fitness level through daily activity and exercises. Each student will have the opportunity to learn and practice specific exercises/workouts that improve certain aspects of their health-related fitness such as their cardiovascular endurance, muscular/strength endurance, flexibility, body composition, and eating habits. This course will also give the students an opportunity to acquire important life skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and develop a greater appreciation for self and others. Our main goal is for students to take what they have learned in their TBC (Total Body Conditioning) class and apply it to their daily personal life and inspire others to want to live a long and healthy lifestyle, as well! Students are expected to dress in fitness clothes and wear tennis shoes. This course can be taken three times per school year (one per trimester).