
3220 Magnolia Circle, Ames, Iowa 50014

Planting Site before any sort of planting.

Spring 2018

Planting Site after the mulch and the plants have been laid out.

Spring 2018

Planting site after planting is completed.

Spring 2018

Our group chose our flowers based on their colors, growing season, and height in order to create a sustainable garden of Iowa Native Plants that looked just as beautiful as it was environmentally friendly. In order to make the garden as aesthetically pleasing as possible we had a color scheme we stuck to, only including blue, purple, yellow, or white plants. Another thing we did to maintain a neat look was placing the plants with the tallest height in the center of the garden, and slowly decreasing the surrounding plants' height as we neared the outer edges. This would allow for every plant to be seen, and allow the garden to create a nice dome-like shape as the flowers began to bloom. Finally, we payed attention to the plants' growing season to ensure that at any point between the months of May and October, there would be plants growing in the garden.