
Garden site

723 Wilder Blvd 50014 Ames, IA


We chose 3 different flowers butterfly milked, Buffalo Grass and Sky Blue Aster, those flowers are very different especially in colors. With the participation of our client, we wanted to make a flashy style with various colors.

When choosing those flowers we took care of the sunlight because plants need a lot of sunlight to grow and survive, according to our client the part of the hole yard receiving the most sunlight was right behind the house. So, we decided to use that specific area for our plants. Since we are planting during the spring we have better chance to get sunlight. Also, with Mr. Schmaltz's help we discovered that the soil of this area was loamy. Having loamy as type of soil is very good because it’s the best known for plants growth. Since our client already had plants, we did not want to change her style we just wanted to give a little bit of freshness and the flowers we chose were perfect because they had many different colors.

