January 2022

Your Questions are Welcomed

Sometimes the way school operates today can seem confusing because in many, many ways it doesn’t look like or function the way it did when we were in school. Course offerings are different, there’s new technology, schedules are different, and what in the world is an academic standard or proficiency scale?! School staff are happy to answer any question, but sometimes it’s hard to even know what to ask. We try to pass along information as we can, but we recognize that there are still gaps in this plan.

We want everything we do at Alburnett CSD to be transparent, and unfortunately even though we try, we can never communicate enough. Therefore, earlier this school year, we asked our School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC), which is made up of community members, students, and staff, to help us identify questions that our community might have. With their input, we have developed an FAQ page for our district website. The content for the FAQ has been organized into general topic areas for easy navigation.

Please take a look and let us know what other questions and answers you think would be helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions