Student Leadership at New Rickstones Academy 2024 - 25

At New Rickstones Academy, we believe that all members of our community are leaders. At some point in everyone’s lives they will have to take on the role of a leader, whether it be leading a large organisation or leading their family.  We also believe that developing leaders goes hand in hand with developing strength and character and improving student outcomes. We are proactive in giving students opportunities to lead, influence and inspire others so that they can go on to lead a remarkable life. We challenge all of our students to become the best possible version of themselves and we believe the development of leadership skills at an early age is good preparation for adult life. 

Students at New Rickstones Academy are encouraged to participate in all aspects of school life, including contributing their own and others ideas and taking on leadership responsibilities. All students are given the opportunity to play an active role in the development of their school. 

Our student leadership programme acknowledges that leadership is never easy. The path of a leader is often one fraught with constant challenges and our programme is designed to help future leaders develop the necessary skills to succeed. 

We value the views of the young people within our care and we believe that all students should have the opportunity to have their say regarding their school. Therefore, we do not treat student voice as a stand-alone leadership position, but a leadership position that all students will have an opportunity to partake in during their time at New Rickstones Academy. Students will be invited to be part of regular student voice meetings and they will also be invited to complete regular surveys so we can gain valuable feedback about how we can continue to improve the school.

We aim to teach our students both about leadership and the skills required to be a good leader through our curriculum. This is delivered through Personal Development lessons, through form times and assemblies and through our extra curricular/ enrichment offer. It is also embedded into the curriculum of all subject areas where students are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills through the tasks they are set.

Head Students:

Maltida George & Bethany Tran

Deputy Head Students:

Rhys Littlefield & Jack Foster

Senior Prefects: