Accelerated Reader:

Students in Year 7 and 8 take part in the Accelerated Reader programme, which matches students to books that suit their ability so they can make progress with their literacy skills and become confident readers.

How does it work?

If your child has their own books at home they can find out the quiz information by visiting the BookFinder website. 

If you would like further information about Accelerated Reader or reading at our academy, please email our Librarian

Academy Library:

Our library plays a large part in the success of our Accelerated Reader programme and is at the centre of our reading culture and the Academy.

Our library is a large friendly space, filled with inspiring displays to encourage a love of reading amongst students and staff at New Rickstones Academy. We have large collections of fiction, non-fiction and reference books, as well as laptops and computers for homework and research. The library is regularly host to a variety of activities, from official academy events, to after-school, homework, and lunchtime clubs. The library takes part in many literary celebrations, such as World Book Day and National Poetry Day, and we have welcomed high-profile authors, such as Darren Shan, to bring reading alive for students.

The library is open from 8-4 every weekday and students are always welcome to borrow books or take part in one of the many activities on offer. We aim to introduce students to a wide range of books and inspire them to read something new. Students in KS3 also have regular library lessons, which give them extra opportunities to interact with library resources and further their love of reading.

We encourage reading for achievement and enjoyment; being a confident and able reader supports progress in all areas of the curriculum and prepares students for their future. Regular reading is beneficial for students for their intellectual, emotional and social development. We also encourage reading for pleasure, as it can bring great enjoyment when you find a book you really like.