
English at Our Academy

Children at Cottingley Primary Academy benefit from the use of Talk4Writing and / or Ark+ curriculum materials to help them develop their writing skills. We link all of our writing work to our reading teaching through sharing good quality texts with the children and basing our learning around these. Grammar teaching is delivered through the daily English lesson to help the children to apply the skills to their learning and in UKS2 through discrete grammar skills 'meetings'.

Talk4Writing supports children’s writing by enabling them to orally imitate the language and structures they need for a particular genre or topic before unpicking the text and creating their own. Each Talk for Writing unit is split into three sections: Imitation, Innovation and Independent Application. Further information can be found here:


The Ark+ materials are brand new and ensure clear progression of skills for our KS2 children (we are currently rolling out Ark+ into year 2 too!). For more information about this exciting new project please speak to Miss Patel or Mrs Mills who will be happy to help. 

For information on handwriting, and further information on phonics, spelling and reading, please see the separate pages on the 'Learning and Teaching' tab.