Grade 11 Term 4

Module 3 

Developing a Personal Marketing Plan

In this module you will explore how to develop a personal marketing plan.

What is a marketing plan?

A brand cannot succeed without both proper and effective marketing. That being said, it should come as no surprise that you need a personal marketing plan for the most valuable product of all, yourself!  

But what is a personal marketing plan and what does that consist of?

A personal marketing plan helps to bring focus and direction to either your job search or your current career path. A lot of the benefits a personal marketing plan provides actually come through just creating it! By outlining exactly who you are and why you stand out above the rest, you’ll come away with a better understanding of yourself as a brand, and how to put your best foot forward when making career-life decisions. 

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, defined the term personal brand by saying that “your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”. Personal branding is how you influence and curate the opinions of those people. Your personal brand is everything that shapes how people view you, including your friends, colleagues, professors, and future employers.

What is personal marketing?

Perhaps when you think of marketing, you associate it with the marketing of a product or company. In the case of personal marketing, that it’s all about you. Like marketing in business, personal marketing includes the offerings, the price, the place and the promotion of yourself. It’s actually a practice that’s overlooked quite often, but shouldn’t be. The brand you build around yourself is perhaps the single most important way you can stand out from the crowd. 

Value & Skills

Include your strengths and skills as an employee, or even as a student in your personal marketing plan. Point to specific examples that give evidence of how you have used your skills in the past. 


Your education, skills and experience determine the price of your service. People need to know exactly what you’re worth, and why. 


Where are you providing your services? Are you available to work in different locations or do you need to stick to one region? 


Effective personal marketing involves a great deal of actual promotion of yourself.  Be prepared to promote your strengths and skills as well as be transparent when it comes to your weaknesses. 

Essentially, building your personal brand forces you to think about what you want out of life — and that’s incredibly valuable for your future. 

Whatever the focus of your personal brand is, taking the time to develop a brand will benefit you in the long run. Students who have strong personal brands are more likely to launch themselves into a successful career, and improving your personal branding is similar to preparing for a job interview months in advance. 


Developing a Personal Marketing Plan

In this assignment, you will create your own (simplified) personal marketing plan. Similar to your resume, your personal marketing plan should be flexible, and adapted as your goals and skills change over time. 

Use this document as a guide for your marketing plan. Upload your finished assignment to your website.

Developing a personal marketing plan


Submit your completed assignment in your Advisory block Google Classroom.

Due: Tuesday, May 21