Life Skills and JASS

Life Skills

Our Life Skills programme is delivered across the Whole School.

Pupils are required to complete activities within the following four units:

- Me as a person

- Staying healthy, safe and active

- Me and my World

- Skills for Life, Learning and Work

From time to time teachers may allocate a section of the Life Skills programme to be completed at home, with support from parents/carers. Pupils will be expected to collate evidence of task(s) completed. This evidence can be in the form of a photograph, video clip, letter from a sports/ group leader etc.


Our P4-7 pupils are encouraged to take part in the Junior Award Scheme for Schools. JASS is an inclusive award that acknowledges wider achievement as well as a providing a starting point for vocational learning.

For full accreditation, at each level, pupils will be required to complete the following four modules.

Me and My World: This provides pupils the opportunity to participate in a community or environmental project.

My Interest: Pupils are required to a new skill or to further develop a personal interest.

Get Active, Stay Active: encourages individuals to not only begin taking part in a sporting or physical activity but to continue to develop these skills by remaining active.

Adventure: is all about using the outdoor activities to develop learning and a wide variety of skill-sets, including teamwork and problem solving. This section of the programme will be achieved through planned activities within school either through adventure days or through residential trips.

For the first three modules pupils are encouraged to complete and keep their profiles up to date at home.

Support from parents for some of these modules is encouraged and appreciated.

Watch this video to find out more about JASS.

You can also visit their website by clicking on the image below.