
Our Team

Mrs Holmes (PT)

Biology   Chemistry Physics

Mrs Shaikh Mrs Holmes (& Lab Science) Mr Smith

Miss Rae (& Psychology) Mr Imrie Mr McNeill (Eng Science )

Mrs Williamson (PTG Role) Mr Hall Miss Koshy

Mr Barclay Miss Cummings Mr Babs

Miss Philip

Junior Phase (S1-S3)

In S1 and S2, pupils follow a general Science course which has aspects of each of the main scientific disciplines, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

 At the end of S2, pupils will be recommended which science courses to continue with in S3.  The skills they learn at this stage will give most pupils the option to pursue any of the senior courses


General Information

Pupils have 4 timetabled periods of Science per week in S1.

For 3 of these periods, pupils will focus on the core topics (outlined below) and for the other period, they will focus on problem solving skills *******CHECK THIS (you will find the numeracy booklet on the Maths faculty page helpful with this).*******

Core Topics Taught

Electricity Green Machines Matter

Forces Acids & Alkalis Cells & Reproduction


There are two core homework assignments per topic. In addition, pupils are expected to review their notes regularly and may also be asked to complete tasks not finished in class.


There is an assessment at the end of each topic.


Please come to Science prepared - this includes having your jotter, a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and calculator. Scissors, glue and colouring pencils will be provided.


General Information:

Pupils have 4 timetabled periods of Science per week in S2.

For 3 of these periods, pupils will focus on the core topics (outlined below) and for the other period, they will focus on problem solving skills (you will find the numeracy booklet on the maths faculty page helpful with this).

Core Topics Taught

Elements Might Microbes Waves

Materials Staying Alive Energy


There are two core homework assignments per topic. In addition, pupils are expected to review their notes regularly and may also be asked to complete tasks not finished in class.


There is an assessment at the end of each topic.


Please come to Science prepared - this includes having your jotter, a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and calculator. Scissors, glue and colouring pencils will be provided.

Senior Phase (S4-S6)

Pupils will work through the National Qualifications courses in one or more of the disciplines below:

National 5 Physics

Course Rationale

National 5 Physics is a one-year course aimed at developing the concepts and skills taught lower down in the school. It is designed to pupils who have passed National 4 Physics or who are Secure in their understanding of Level 4 Science. National 5 Physics is an entry requirement for Higher Physics as well as for other areas of study or training.

Course Assessment

The course is assessed in three parts (below) and the award takes the form of a grade based on the score achieved:

The two papers together make up the exam which is completed in one sitting. The assignment is sat separately under exam conditions but as part of the school calendar. All parts are externally marked.

Course Structure

Presentation for the above assessments is dependent on successful completion of all of the following three units:

Passing the units depends on a pupil demonstrating that they have met the requires standard in the following areas:

Higher Physics

Hazlehead are running the CfE Higher course

It is taught over one year and comprises of the following units:

Each of these units is assessed on the basis of practical skill, knowledge and understanding.

This unit is assessed purely on practical skills.

The Assessment for this course is in the form of a research project (assignment) report and a two-part exam paper. All are externally assessed and the marks are allocated as follows:

There is a homework expectation of one hour per week in addition to any research being under taken. Students at this level are expected to be mature enough to keep their notes up to date on an on-going basis.