Digital Safety

Digital Schools Award - Hazlehead Acaedemy

We are delighted to become the first school in Aberdeen to be awarded the Digital Schools Award for Scotland.

Keeping children safe

Our online usage and interactions with one another has dramatically increased both in school and at home. Engaging with social media, learning online or simply surfing is fun and connects us to our friends and the wider world. Whilst there are so many positives, it is also important to understand the negatives too. Social media, like all forms of communication comes with some risks. Not all of these risks turn into actual problems however, it's worthwhile knowing about them. It is important to help your child understand how to protect themselves and assess against any risks. Here are useful sites to support you and your family:

Net Aware

A useful guide to apps and social network

Cybersafe Scotland

Working with parents & schools to keep children safe.

Think u know

Resources & contacts for children and families

National Crime Centre

Share/Report a Concern about online safety or abuse