Modern Languages

Our Team

Miss Keith (PT)

French French & Spanish German Gaelic

Ms Hughes Mrs Staudt Mr Webster Miss Graham

Miss O'Hagan

The cultural, social, economic and cognitive advantages of learning a second, third or fourth language cannot be overstated, and whilst anybody at any time in their life is capable of doing so, research has proven that the earlier this is started, the better. The speed and ease of uptake of an additional language(s) is more pronounced at a younger age, and in doing so, can also benefit the learner across all subjects.

There is an ever increasing amount of research being done into the benefits of language learning, and the common outcomes point towards an improved ability to multi-task, stalling the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s, improved memory, improved decision making, an improvement in the learner’s first language, an increased performance in other academic areas, an increased awareness of other cultures, expanded career potentials and the boosting of self-confidence. What’s more, is that once someone has become proficient in the grammar and syntax of another language, it generally becomes much easier to go on and learn further languages.

At Hazlehead Academy, we are hugely fortunate to be able to offer the wide range of languages that we do in order to give our pupils the potential to benefit from the above.


S1-S3 Course

Pupils will develop the four language skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing through various topic areas using ‘Studio’ courses supplemented with poems, popular songs, foreign language films and interactive resources.

S4-S6 Courses available

The following courses are available to pupils in the senior phase:

  • French N4

  • French N5

  • French Higher

A new course ‘Modern Languages for Life and Work’ is available as an award in S3 and as a course for Wider Achievement.

Advanced Higher course in French may run in the department or as a travel afternoon option.

Links to further education and employment

Modern Foreign Languages can be studied at most Higher Education establishments either as a discrete subject or as an ancillary option. The study of a Modern Foreign Language has been proven to enhance employability in all job sectors. A qualification in a Modern Foreign Language is proof of communication and presentation skills. Information on specific courses in this country and in Europe can be obtained from the department.

Homework / Revision Links

Regular homework will be given to all ML classes in accordance with the school homework policy.

There are many websites which can be accessed to consolidate class work and facilitate revision.

We do not encourage the use of ‘Google Translate’ but would highly recommend any use of the following:

S1-2 pupils should use the Beginner level. S3 and above should start to use the Intermediate level.

Pupils are able to attend catch-up or revision sessions at lunch times or after school with any member of staff as the need arises and at specific times arranged in the run up to the SQA exams.


Pupils are encouraged to develop links with France e.g. through email exchanges, arranging work placements etc. Pupils are also encouraged to absorb as much as they can of the culture of the French speaking countries by looking at French films, magazines, news items and accessing any literature appropriate to their learning. Courses at all stages incorporate cultural and historical background topics which we hope will engender a lifelong appreciation and interest in the countries where the language is spoken.


S1-S3 Course

Pupils will develop the four language skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing through various topic areas using ‘Echo’ courses supplemented with poems, popular songs, foreign language films and interactive resources.

S4-S6 Courses available

The following courses are available to pupils in the senior phase:

  • German N4

  • German N5

  • German Higher

A new course ‘Modern Languages for Life and Work’ is available as an award in S3 and as a course for Wider Achievement.

Advanced Higher course in German may run in the department or as a travel afternoon option.

Links to further education and employment

Modern Foreign Languages can be studied at most Higher Education establishments either as a discrete subject or as an ancillary option. The study of a Modern Foreign Language has been proven to enhance employability in all job sectors. A qualification in a Modern Foreign Language is proof of communication and presentation skills. Information on specific courses in this country and in Europe can be obtained from the department.

Homework / Revision Links

Regular homework will be given to all ML classes in accordance with the school homework policy.

There are many websites which can be accessed to consolidate class work and facilitate revision.

We do not encourage the use of ‘Google Translate’ but would highly recommend any use of the following:

S1-2 pupils should use the Beginner level. S3 and above should start to use the Intermediate level.

Pupils are able to attend catch-up or revision sessions at lunch times or after school with any member of staff as the need arises and at specific times arranged in the run up to the SQA exams.


Pupils are encouraged to develop links with Germany e.g. through email exchanges, arranging work placements etc. Pupils are also encouraged to absorb as much as they can of the culture of the German speaking countries by looking at German films, magazines, news items and accessing any literature appropriate to their learning. Courses at all stages incorporate cultural and historical background topics which we hope will engender a lifelong appreciation and interest in the countries where the language is spoken.


Spanish is now offered in the Faculty as a taster language for some S3 classes but as a crash subject as a N4/ 5 in the Senior Phase.

Higher and Advanced Higher may run within the department dependent on numbers and staffing.