Gaelic Education / Foghlam Gàidhlig

We offer Gàidhlig courses for Gaelic medium education pupils and Gaelic courses for Gaelic learners.

Gaelic Medium Education

In S1-S3, pupils will study Gàidhlig and will continue their Gaelic medium education by taking part in a range of learning experiences such as the study of novels, poetry and drama, creative writing, presentations and projects. Wider extra-curricular Gaelic opportunities are also available to pupils.

The following Gàidhlig courses are available to pupils in S4-S6:

  • Gàidhlig N4

  • Gàidhlig N5

  • Gàidhlig Higher

  • Gàidhlig Advanced Higher

Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig

Ann an S1-S3, cumaidh clann-sgoile orra len cuid foghlaim tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le bhith an sàs ann an raon farsaing de shuidheachaidhean ionnsachaidh leithid a’ leughadh nobhailean, bàrdachd is dràma, sgrìobhadh cruthachail, taisbeanaidhean agus pròiseactan. Tha cothroman farsaing air Gàidhlig an taobh a-muigh a’ chlàir-oideachaidh cuideachd rim faotainn do sgoilearan.

Tha na cùrsaichean a leanas rim faotainn do chlann-sgoile ann an S4-S6:

  • Gàidhlig N4

  • Gàidhlig N5

  • Gàidhlig Àrd-ìre

  • Gàidhlig Sàr Àrd-ìre

Gaelic Learner Education

Gaelic is offered within 1+2 Modern Languages as both a course in S1 and as taster sessions in S3. As part of the City campus, the following qualifications are available for Gaelic Learners:

  • Gaelic N3

  • Gaelic N4

  • Gaelic N5

  • Gaelic Higher

Gàidhlig do Luchd-ionnsachaidh

Tha Gàidhlig ga tabhann an taobh a-staigh Nua-chànanan 1+2, an dà chuid mar chuspair ann an S1 agus mar bhlasad ann an S3. Mar phàirt de làrach a’ bhaile-mhòir, tha na teisteanasan a leanas rim faotainn do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig:

  • Gàidhlig N3

  • Gàidhlig N4

  • Gàidhlig N5

  • Gàidhlig Àrd-ìre

Gaelic Online

If you want to learn a little more about Gaelic as one of Scotland's National Languages, follow the links below:

You can also start learning Gaelic right now on your phone via the Duolingo app - 200,000 learners can’t be wrong!

There are online dictionaries which can be used to help with homework if no dictionary is available at home.