P7/S1 Transition

Moving from Primary to Secondary is normally a time of great anticipation for children and their families and for the majority of P7 pupils, the prospect of the move from their primary school to a large secondary school is exciting and the changeover relatively trouble free. However, we also know that some of our new pupils will worry about how they will cope when moving from familiar people and surroundings to new settings. Your child will be moving from being the oldest in school to the youngest and may be moving with friends and classmates from primary school or may not know anyone in their new school and, in the beginning, they might also worry about practical things, such as getting lost. There will also be a new daily routine as pupils move to different parts of the school during the day to attend classes. For all children, there will be a lot to take in and to learn, particularly in the first few weeks, however this should ease quickly as they become more used to their new routine and the layout of the school. 

P7 Parental evening

Please find attached a copy of the presentation from the P7 Parents Information Evening held last Thursday. The document includes a link to Thistle Sports where school uniforms items can be purchased, as well as a QR code if you are interested in joining our Parent Council.

School Website - transition