
Our Team

Ms Little (PT)

Mrs Bainbridge Mrs Gray

Mr Mott Miss Wilson

Miss Robinson Miss Shepherd


In the junior phase, learners build on the literacy skills they have developed in primary school and continue to work through the CfE levels with achieving an overall level 3 or 4 and embedding skills needed for national courses being the target of every learner.

The BGE English course develops all aspects of literacy with four main areas of focus: Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening. These skills are developed and consolidated using a wide range of texts.

Within our department we also have a particular focus on reading with all learners having one period per week dedicated to developing reading skills and fostering an enjoyment of personal reading.

In addition, during S1-3 every learner has the opportunity to learn about Media and develop skills in reading media texts. Any learner who completes all necessary media outcomes will be eligible to be awarded National 3 Media


The following courses are available in S4:

National 4 English

National 5 English


Learners who pass National 4 English in S4 can enter National 5 English.

Learners who pass National 5 English with a B pass or better can enter Higher English.

All learners can choose to study National 4 Media


All senior course are available for study in S6 for learners who have met the entry requirements