Friday June 1, 2018

Post date: Jun 1, 2018 12:35:51 PM

Anyone taking the June Earth Science Regents must take the lab practical. If you are signed up as a walk in, the lab practical will be given every afternoon at 2:15 in Room 228 until June 11. Letters were placed in the mail assigning your date and time. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Lackemann in the Chair Office.

Attention all Seniors who signed up for the Graduation Walkthrough: Please come to the 1 East Office as soon as possible to pick up your ticket for the event. You will need this ticket to enter the building and participate in the event on June 21. Also, the last day to hand in the required field trip form is Friday, June 1. Don’t miss your chance to take a walk down memory lane!

There will be a meeting for all girls interested in playing volleyball next year on Friday, June 1 at 2:15 in Room 325.

If you are not able to attend please see Coach Van Horne.