Zoom Features & Tips

Some of these features and tips might be useful for implementing in your class or for meetings. Have fun with exploring!

Music in the background

You can play music for your meetings or classes

  • When you join your meeting (try to be early before guests arrive), click on the "Share" button on the tool bar.

  • Click on the "advanced" option tab at the top of the share box.

  • Select the option "music or Computer Sound Only"

  • Then click "Share" button

  • You can play music from whatever app or website that you prefer.

    • You will need to use your computer audio to adjust the volume.

Sharing Options

How to share a second camera as content

  • Once you've joined your meeting, click on the "Share" button on the tool bar.

  • Click on the "advanced" option tab at the top of the share box.

  • Then select "Content from 2nd camera"

  • Then click "Share" button

How to share a Portion of your Screen (not the whole screen)

  • Once you've joined your meeting, click on the "Share" button on the tool bar.

  • Click on the "advanced" option tab at the top of the share box.

  • Select "Portion of screen"

  • Then click "Share" button

  • A box will appear on your screen and you can adjust it to what you want to show.

Registration Feature

If you need to post a meeting publicly, there is a way to do it with security! The registration feature allows you to notify anyone of a meeting date and time publicly and enabling the registration feature requires them to register to be able to get the connection link.

  • Create a new meeting with your usual title, date & time, security details, then be sure to check the "Required" box next to "Registration" (after date & time).

  • After you save the meeting, the Registration link will be available to post anywhere you like!

  • If you scroll to the bottom of the meeting overview, it shows the Registration details. You can click Edit next to Registration Options to add question fields to the actual registration. By default it asks for name and email address. You can add other pre-made questions or create your own in the custom tab.

    • Click on "Email Settings" to edit the email contact, or change the email for who will receive the confirmation of registrants.

    • Click on "Branding" to add your logo!

This feature is perfect for meetings that need to be publicized to the public, such as parent's meeting for sports, Board of Education Council meetings, PTA meetings, etc..

Breakout Room Hacks

If you are worried about putting your students into Breakout Rooms without adult supervision, you can try one of the following:

  • Monitoring - If your district utilizes GoGuardian or other monitoring method, keep an eye on them this way.

  • 2 Devices - If you have another device such as smart phone or laptop/Chromebook not being used during the class, you can add yourself into the meeting as another participant. Then when you break into two groups, keep an account in both. You will have to mute and unmute each to talk, but you'll see both groups.

Waiting Room Hacks

  • Use the "Description" of Waiting Room to write directions for students that are waiting. Kind of like bell work.

    • This could be a link to an online resource such as Google docs, Quizlet, Kahoot or other online component to take a quiz or start on an assignment.

  • Put kids back in the waiting room. This could be used if student is a behavior concern, or any other need.

IceBreakers & Get-to-Know You's!

  • Share a Google Slide Show with students. Have each student assigned a slide. Give them directions on what to put on their slide.

    • Could be get-to-know you type questions (picture, name, pets, favorites, expected outcomes, etc..)

  • Scavenger Hunt - have a list of items around their classroom or home to find items of interest to them or sharing something about them.

  • Use Padlet to play "2 Truths & a Lie" interactively - Students can guess which is the nontruth

  • Play Pictionary with Google Jamboard or Google Drawing

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