
Things to Do When Delays Happen…

Sometimes things happen that are out of your control. A partner class may be late getting into their room, or unexpectedly have to leave the room for a fire drill, and sometimes there are technical issues that may take a few minutes to fix. In these types of cases, have something ready for your students to do while they wait for the class to resume. Below are suggested activities to keep the students focus on learning.

When students are going to be giving a presentation, it is important that they stay focused on the presentation while waiting.

    • Have students practice their presentations.

    • If a play or skit, do a run through practice.

    • Older students may discuss ways to improve or change the presentation.

Have an activity related to the subject area of the IDL Connection.

    • Have questions ready that relate to the subject being addressed (i.e. space, animals, plants)

    • Some programs come with additional materials…print these off and have them on hand.

    • Have a short story ready. Preferably something that relates to the content of the program.

    • If connecting for a collaboration with students in another area, have students review where their partner class is from and come up with questions they may want to ask if time allows.

Short Games are good for all ages while waiting as well.

    • Eye Spy. (For younger audiences) Could play using colors, beginning letter sounds, etc…

    • Addition/Subtraction or Multiplication/Division verbal quizzing

    • Have a list of State Test Practice Questions on hand as a short quiz

    • Have Riddles or Brain Teasers that are age appropriate on hand (suggested sites below)

    • Raise your hand if… (for younger audiences) Play Raise your hand if…you have on the color red, then blue, then narrow it down until the whole class has their hands raised.

    • Spelling Sparkle Game. Have all students stand up. Give a word for your students to spell one letter at a time. Each student will give a letter until the word is spelled, then the next student will say “Sparkle” when the word is complete. If a letter is wrong then that student is out and sits down. Go until there is only one standing.

    • Rumors. Whisper a funny sentence to the first student such as “green frogs with twinkle toes climb black trees”. The students will whisper it to the next student and down the line until it reaches the last student. The last student will say out loud what he believes the sentence to be. Usually the sentence has changed.

These are just a few ideas, feel free to create your own. Don’t sweat the small stuff…keep your class engaged and learning!