Homework Strategies

Homework Strategies for Distance Learning Classes

Online access (use this method as much as possible)

  • School Webpages

    • Some schools may have teacher pages that have the ability to have a link for students to access homework virtually.

  • Google documents, Google Sites, Google Classroom

    • Google tools are a free online component for teachers to send and receive homework virtually.

  • Schoology, Edmodo

    • These online components are a safe and secure way for teachers to send and receive homework virtually, as well as grade and keep an online gradebook as well. These are free tools for teachers.

  • Blackboard, Angel, etc…

    • These online components are a safe and secure way for teachers to send and receive homework virtually. These tools have a fee associated.


  • Scanning is an efficient way to send multiple page assignments.

  • Avoid having multiple page assignments scanned on a daily basis.

Snail Mail:

  • When mailing homework, time to receive should be anticipated.

  • Avoid having student’s mail homework just before grades are due.

  • Regular mail is not the best option, but solely in specific circumstances.

Faxing: (Try to avoid this if possible)

  • When faxing materials to receiving sites, allow enough time for the facilitator/proctor to make copies and distribute as needed.

  • Avoid faxing as the main form of corresponding homework and avoid same day assignments.

  • However, in the case of an overlooked assignment, faxing is a quick way to get the material to receiving sites when facilitator/proctor is involved.

  • Avoid students faxing homework back….especially if it is a multiple page assignment. This creates a lot of extra work for the facilitator, you, and the fax machine!

  • Always notify facilitators when you have faxed something and specify which class it belongs to and when they will need it.

Personal Delivery:

  • Many SCKDLN schools have related sports events, administrator meetings, etc… Work with your administration and facilitators to find out if your sites have common events.

  • This is not for sites that have a great distance between.

  • Avoid time sensitive material or homework.

  • Great for Art class projects (that are not bulky or heavy).

Document Camera:

  • Having students show their work on a document camera is a great tool for “did you do” homework, math, and artwork.

  • Document camera is also an effective way to look at a student’s work that has questions, such as a math problem.

  • You can create a document camera by purchasing a no-name webcam online and a webcam stand (the bendy-neck stands work great). This will allow you to move the camera to the angle needed and can be cheaper than traditional document camera.